Morning sickness



  • sunkisses
    sunkisses Posts: 2,365 Member
    I had hyperemesis gravidarum, which is Latin for "24 hour vomiting for months until you start losing weight and become dehydrated to the point of needing hospitalization."

    Dehydration can cause you to miscarry because it causes the uterus to contract. So even if you can't eat anything, please drink whatever stays down. For whatever reason, that was Gatorade for me. Fruit punch, Orange or Lemon lime flavors with lots of ice only. They gave it to me at the hospital, and it just worked for me.

    I wish I had better advice, but once you get into the 24 hour sickness thing, all you can do is keep down whatever stays down. If you're trying to ingest your vitamins, you might switch to chewables until you're feeling better. Try taking them at night. None of the things people suggested to me worked. Peppermints, saltines, ginger ale - I threw it all up.

    Also check out too.
  • raisingbabyk
    raisingbabyk Posts: 442 Member
    I had awful morning sickness and it ended up lasting right until the very end! I found the best thing to do was keep some sort of snack at the bed (my hubby would bring me in a nutrigrain bar every morning) and eat it before I even got out of bad. It was hard to force myself but I just ate it slowly. It didn't take away the sickness completely, but definitely made it easier. Congrats!
  • godblessourhome
    godblessourhome Posts: 3,892 Member
    i had hyperemesis as well. i threw up 11-31 times a day for 7 straight months with my first pregnancy and 5 months with the second. i was hospitalized several times for dehydration and once for super low potassium (the potassium drip BURNS like whoa). i was on a prescription drug, but i don't remember the name. it was not helpful.

    strangely, what i could keep down was french onion soup; i ate french onion soup 3 times a week. applesauce was okay as well. bananas, toast and rice were recommended, but i couldn't keep any of them down. a lot of people said ginger ale was good for calming the nausea, but i couldn't drink it.

    good luck. praying it will pass quickly for you.
  • cakeums
    cakeums Posts: 231 Member
    Diclectin has doxylamine, which is the active ingredient in Unisom SleepTabs, and pyridoxine, which is vitamin B6. One dose of Diclectin has 10mg of each - when I was pregnant with my second I would take half a Unisom and a B6. It did help, it just made me drowsy. I never vomited, but was so nauseated that I lost 12lbs between 4 and 8 weeks. I didn't start gaining back until I was about halfway through. I never wanted to eat. That at least gave me a bit of an appetite. I just ate whatever sounded good, which was pretty much green salads with sesame-ginger dressing, and spicy salmon rolls. (I know, I know, sushi during pregnancy, but I got it from a very reputable place and it was fine.)

    If it is so bad that you can't keep food/drink down, ask for Zofran. It is very expensive, so most insurance companies will only cover something ridiculous like 6 pills a month, but you can get your OB to call them and have the limit lifted.
  • durangocal
    durangocal Posts: 90 Member
    I suffered with hyperemisis gravidium with all three of my pregnancies. I found what worked best for me after the first trimester (nothing worked during the first, even zofran,etc.) is to eat many small meals throughout the day basically never letting your tummy get empty. I found that a diet that is similar to the second phase of the south beach diet (low carb) worked best at staying on top of the nausea (thanks to a fabulous nutritionist I was referred to). Sugar tends to heighten nausea. When eating carbs make sure they are complex and eaten with a protein or healthy fat. Stay hydrated-drink lots of water (not juice) sometimes bubbly drinks helped sometimes they didn`t. Get lots of sleep, when I got stressed or overly tired the nausea became stronger. Before bed, eat a high protein snack-it makes mornings a little easier. Smells can trigger nausea and I actually wore a nose pincher for times when it got really bad. Carry nuts or protein bar some minty gum with you (and a gallon ziplock bag) when you start getting hungry it`s hard to get the nausea under control again.

    Congratulations! I truly hope that the nausea does subside for you by the end of the first trimester.
  • christine24t
    christine24t Posts: 6,063 Member
    First off, congratulations!
    Second, I have heard that SeaBands or the like are great. It presses down on the P6 pressure point, which is supposed to relieve nausea and vomiting. Also, spearmint and peppermint are great as well - try it in tea, candy, etc.
  • jennp1129
    jennp1129 Posts: 277 Member
    Try candies you can suck on... Jolly ranchers were a life saver for me. I had it bad with all of my kids. Keep an eye on it... If its bad and you are losing weight and feel sick all the time... Your Dr can give you something to help. With my second I lost 20 pounds in the first 3 months. So I was given meds to help me keep food down. Good luck. Feel free to friend if you need some support.
  • samatalma
    samatalma Posts: 197
    :( Definitely don't miss that about being pregnant.
    I had it terribly, actually ended up in the ER for dehydration. Which, for some reason, all those pushed fluids that night really seemed to help.
    Keep trying to drink water, ginger ale. Try the BRAT diet. Eat protein right before you go to bed (peanut butter and crackers or something) and when you wake up in the morning, get up slowly and have some crackers and ginger ale by your bed and eat some and drink some before you even get up.
    Ask your OB about anti-nausea meds, they might help a little bit. Oh! And I think there are anti-nausea lollipops and ice pops too!
    Good luck! I hope you feel better soon!