Brazilian Butt Workout??

Has anyone ever tried the Brazilian Butt Workout? I saw it today, and I am pondering if it is worth the purchase. I have a lot to weight to lose...but a lot of my weight is on my back side and hips. Anyone have an opinion?


  • I have it- I actually just did the "High & Tight" workout earlier today. It's great to target those "problem areas" like your butt (obviously lol), thighs, highs, hips & tummy. Some of the workouts are pretty dancey so I feel ridiculous but it's a lot of fun . The cardio workouts are about 30-40 min long and even if you are clumsy like me, you can pick it up pretty quickly. There is also a killer ab workout and Sculpt which is all over body toning.

    I started with BBL and moved onto P90X and I lost 4 inches off of my thighs, it was crazy! But most "lifted" my butt lol I was always super self conscious about it because I have a lot of junk in the trunk, but it's funny because now I am known among my friends as the one with the nicest booty.;

    I dont know if I'm allowed to post a link to my blog...but this is my story so hopefully that helps you out! Feel free to pick my brain =)