1500 cal burn then eat crap???

So I'm confused what's the point of being 100% all week with diet and exercise n then u eat 3,000 cals in one day loaded n sodium n fat etc...isn't it kinda pointless to have a Great week...and do u have 1500 cal burns in one day so that u can eat over at dinner or have a yummy snack...why?? dosent that destroy the work u just did...I don't know much about all this so it makes no since to me...Someone please help me to understand...do u get a free pas because u burned 5000 cals this week?


  • Nopedotjpeg
    Nopedotjpeg Posts: 1,806 Member

  • MHunte
    MHunte Posts: 149
    If someone burn 1500+ calories and go and eat junk they are just out right stupid.....I buurn 1100+ calories just about every day and i eat and drink 1000 back in protein shake and fish and one 8oz drink. the more you burn the more you have to eat because MFP already has your daily goal set without any workouts involved....
  • micls
    micls Posts: 234
    It depends on what the persons goals are. They may not be the same as yours.

    Some people have a goal of simply losing weight, nothing more, nothing less. For these people, once they stick with their deficit, it doesn't matter if they eat 1500cals of 'rubbish' food one day. They will still lose the weight and reach their goals.

    Others want to not only lose weight, but to generally eat healthier. If your goal is to eat healthy/clean, then obviously eating 1500 of 'rubbish' isn't compatible with this.

    Not everyone is aiming for the same thing.

    Personally, my primary aim is to lose the weight. I try not to worry too much about the rest. That said, I've also improved my diet in general, but this is mainly because it's easier to keep my deficit with a better/cleaner diet.

    I still love my 'rubbish' and some days I'll go nuts and save calories so I can eat a popcorn and the cinema and pizza afterwards. I'm well aware those aren't the healthiest choices in terms of food, but my aim isn't to never eat unhealthy food again, it's to moderate how much I eat.
  • MHunte
    MHunte Posts: 149


  • micls
    micls Posts: 234
    If someone burn 1500+ calories and go and eat junk they are just out right stupid....


    Personally, the idea of getting to eat something nice is what makes me go to the gym sometime. There'd be days I couldn't be bothered, but thinking 'If I go workout for an hour, I can eat a bar of chocolate tonight' gets me up off my backside. I still maintain my calorie deficit, plus I get a decent cardio workout.
  • iuangina
    iuangina Posts: 691 Member
    For me, I need that spike day in calories to keep losing....otherwise I get stuck
  • MHunte
    MHunte Posts: 149
    If someone burn 1500+ calories and go and eat junk they are just out right stupid....


    Personally, the idea of getting to eat something nice is what makes me go to the gym sometime. There'd be days I couldn't be bothered, but thinking 'If I go workout for an hour, I can eat a bar of chocolate tonight' gets me up off my backside. I still maintain my calorie deficit, plus I get a decent cardio workout.

    No, don't get me wrong. There is a differnce in eating "junk" and eating "pure junk". A bar of chocolate aint going to hurt anything, thats still less than 400 cals, i don't eat that stuff so i don't know the calories it has in it but to eat 1500+ calories of pure junk is stupid to me.... even 800 cals of junk is stupid to me. I don't want to piss anybody off here but thats just how i see it.
  • micls
    micls Posts: 234

    No, don't get me wrong. There is a differnce in eating "junk" and eating "pure junk". A bar of chocolate aint going to hurt anything, thats still less than 400 cals, i don't eat that stuff so i don't know the calories it has in it but to eat 1500+ calories of pure junk is stupid to me.... even 800 cals of junk is stupid to me. I don't want to piss anybody off here but thats just how i see it.

    Again, why? Why is it stupid?

    No one's pissed off, just looking for your reasoning.
  • amuchison
    amuchison Posts: 274 Member
    I totally get having a little something..but like 2 or 3 meals or even a day of crap?? u just destroyed all your hard work...wether your goal is to lose weight or eat healthy etc...it still seems pointless...when I go into maintenance I am looking forward to being able to eat a little n not gain but by no means will I burn a crap ton of calories to throw it away by eating 500 cals of fat,sodium n crap...
  • iuangina
    iuangina Posts: 691 Member
    I totally get having a little something..but like 2 or 3 meals or even a day of crap?? u just destroyed all your hard work...wether your goal is to lose weight or eat healthy etc...it still seems pointless...when I go into maintenance I am looking forward to being able to eat a little n not gain but by no means will I burn a crap ton of calories to throw it away by eating 500 cals of fat,sodium n crap...

    Well, that's your opinion and what works for you may not work for everyone. I find that having one day a week where I don't worry about what I eat and workout extra hard makes my life more managable. I got tired of telling friends no I can't go eat there or no I can't go out for drinks. I limit it to one day a week and it hasn't really impeded my weight loss in the past. In fact, it helped me to make the right choices the rest of the time. I also found that after a while I no longer wanted the crap. It didn't make me feel good. I've had to start again in the last few months, and I'm continuing to use the same strategy and it's working.
  • MHunte
    MHunte Posts: 149

    No, don't get me wrong. There is a differnce in eating "junk" and eating "pure junk". A bar of chocolate aint going to hurt anything, thats still less than 400 cals, i don't eat that stuff so i don't know the calories it has in it but to eat 1500+ calories of pure junk is stupid to me.... even 800 cals of junk is stupid to me. I don't want to piss anybody off here but thats just how i see it.

    Again, why? Why is it stupid?

    No one's pissed off, just looking for your reasoning.

    The high sugar and fat from junk food affects your workout by interfering with your body's ability to maximize the use of energy or calories from food. Fat takes a bit longer for your body to process. This reduces readily available energy, while increasing longer term energy release. Because your body is efficient at getting nutrients to cells and then storage, your body can process simple sugars quicker than you can use that energy. This can deprive you of much needed energy during an intense workout and promote fat storage.
  • amuchison
    amuchison Posts: 274 Member
    Well that's good and I'm glad that is working for u...I just see spacing things out and limiting but with healthier choices to live a life n eat not so full of restrictions...we all want to eat n drink as we please but in moderation...its refreshing to add different points of view as I get more insight on what works n what doesn't;)
  • micls
    micls Posts: 234
    I totally get having a little something..but like 2 or 3 meals or even a day of crap?? u just destroyed all your hard work...wether your goal is to lose weight or eat healthy etc...it still seems pointless...

    No, you didn't.

    If your goal is to have a calorie deficit of 3500cals a week, and you did this, regardless of what you eat you are not destroying your hard work, you are achieving your goal and will lost weight.
  • micls
    micls Posts: 234
    The high sugar and fat from junk food affects your workout by interfering with your body's ability to maximize the use of energy or calories from food. Fat takes a bit longer for your body to process. This reduces readily available energy, while increasing longer term energy release. Because your body is efficient at getting nutrients to cells and then storage, your body can process simple sugars quicker than you can use that energy. This can deprive you of much needed energy during an intense workout and promote fat storage.

    Fair points.

    I tend to eat junk, after I workout, or on non-workout days, like the weekend. I certainly wouldn't fancy working out after eating junk.

    I'm in no way saying there are no disadvantages to eating highly processed food that is bad for you. That is ridiculous. I'm saying that everyones goals are different, people are aware of the disadvantages of their choices and can make a decision. If it works for them and they still reach their personal goals, that's great.
  • amuchison
    amuchison Posts: 274 Member
    So what u r saying is as long as someone is creating a deficit of 3500 cals a week they can eat whatever....and they will still lose a lb a week...I think not;(
  • Beezil
    Beezil Posts: 1,677 Member
    One bad day is not going to destroy an entire week of hard work. Unless you ate like an entire week's worth of of being over by like 1000 calories a day + the calories you ate all week. lol.
  • rockerbabyy
    rockerbabyy Posts: 2,258 Member
    Personally, my primary aim is to lose the weight. I try not to worry too much about the rest. That said, I've also improved my diet in general, but this is mainly because it's easier to keep my deficit with a better/cleaner diet.
    this is mostly me.
    i want to lose weight and look better, so i eat as clean as i can during the week and every so often i splurge on "junk" - burgers out, or pizza, or an all you can eat buffet..
    i still exercise almost daily and do what i can with what ive got. i cant imagine a life where i deny myself foods i love simply because someone else says i shouldnt have it.
  • becoming_a_new_me
    becoming_a_new_me Posts: 1,860 Member
    If someone burn 1500+ calories and go and eat junk they are just out right stupid....


    Personally, the idea of getting to eat something nice is what makes me go to the gym sometime. There'd be days I couldn't be bothered, but thinking 'If I go workout for an hour, I can eat a bar of chocolate tonight' gets me up off my backside. I still maintain my calorie deficit, plus I get a decent cardio workout.

    No, don't get me wrong. There is a differnce in eating "junk" and eating "pure junk". A bar of chocolate aint going to hurt anything, thats still less than 400 cals, i don't eat that stuff so i don't know the calories it has in it but to eat 1500+ calories of pure junk is stupid to me.... even 800 cals of junk is stupid to me. I don't want to piss anybody off here but thats just how i see it.

    I 100% totally agree with you on this. It is okay to have an occasional "splurge day" maybe once a month, but every week the focus should be on eating nutritious. I do think that if you are going to have a splurge day that you get in a good workout so that your splurge doesn't completely blow your day. It's all about the mindset and getting past negative habits to be healthy.

    Mary Ann
  • kanonxbou47
    kanonxbou47 Posts: 265 Member
    I totally get having a little something..but like 2 or 3 meals or even a day of crap?? u just destroyed all your hard work...wether your goal is to lose weight or eat healthy etc...it still seems pointless...when I go into maintenance I am looking forward to being able to eat a little n not gain but by no means will I burn a crap ton of calories to throw it away by eating 500 cals of fat,sodium n crap...

    It's because I love to work out, and I love to eat, so it goes well. I don't eat a ton of crap, since I like fruit and stuff, but running for an hour feels good, and I can eat ice cream afterwards.
  • becoming_a_new_me
    becoming_a_new_me Posts: 1,860 Member
    I totally get having a little something..but like 2 or 3 meals or even a day of crap?? u just destroyed all your hard work...wether your goal is to lose weight or eat healthy etc...it still seems pointless...when I go into maintenance I am looking forward to being able to eat a little n not gain but by no means will I burn a crap ton of calories to throw it away by eating 500 cals of fat,sodium n crap...

    It's because I love to work out, and I love to eat, so it goes well. I don't eat a ton of crap, since I like fruit and stuff, but running for an hour feels good, and I can eat ice cream afterwards.

    I get what the OP is saying though - I have seen diaries that have 1500 calories burned, but every single meal was fast food, frozen pizza, et cetera. An ice cream treat is one thing, but eating like a college student is not. It's all about choices.

    Mary Ann