So what is a typical Valentines Day date???



  • david581c
    david581c Posts: 337
    omg its like a thanksgiving grinch? Hated holidays?! For that many years!

    I was the whole last minute dude but it all worked out, im the one out @ 9pm day before V-Day gettin flowers, balloons, candy, etc and hiding them in the car and waking up @ 5am to go grab em and set it all up thru out the apartment.
    Id toss on a dvd she liked, get breakfast going, get her all fed, get a bedroom cardio sesh in and chill for while.
    Go out later, have a rezzy set @ a nice place where i cant read a word on the menu except "crepe" or "es cargo"
    Have a nice walk, set it like a parade route and strategically stop @ nice spots i mapped out.
  • denisegolden
    denisegolden Posts: 206 Member
    awww, single??? jk, sounds great though!!!
  • alliecore
    alliecore Posts: 446 Member
    I got married super young, and we were broke off our *kitten*** most of the time. So we started this crazy tradition of spending V-tines playing Mario Party and eating Ben & Jerrys in the middle of the living room, before......well, other things. :tongue: This will be my first V-day single in god, 13 years I think? I contemplated being sad about it, then I decided that it's gonna be what I make of it. So I'm buying roses and chocolate for each of my babies, and spending the evening with the 3 little loves of my life! :heart:
  • skatermom503
    You so deserve this, Denise! Is this a romantic date or out with friends. If possibly romantic, choose a nice but not too expensive restaurant where you can talk and just enjoy the evening. Relax and experience what you have to look forward to now. So happy for you!
  • ChaseAlder
    ChaseAlder Posts: 804 Member
    Get hopped up, make some bad decisions.