Feeling really defeated

Just feeling really down about all this!! I seem to not be able to get out of the 170s!!! I just keep bouncing between 170 -174. I weighed over 200lbs when I gave birth to my son, almost five months ago. I lost about 19lbs from just giving birth, When pregnant from belly button to back was 46inches a week after his birth I was 40 inches from belly button to back.. in the last 43 pounds Ive lost since then I AM STILL 40INCHES!!!!!! I dont feel self conscience about anything but my stomach and Im not losing anything there.

Ive started eating organic, ive only ever drank water, I eat every couple of hours instead of really big meals, I count my calories, run miles and I can not lose anything on my hips or get under 170!!! Before getting pregnant I lost 35 lbs and was at 170 and forty inches and still couldnt get under it. What is with this dreaded 170 and 40!!! Its like my body wants me to be stuck at 170. Im 5'8 and just to be under BMI I have to be 165. Last weigh in last Monday I weighed in at 171.4 so I worked even harder this week to make sure I could at least get 169. Well I weighed in this morning for fun and...

172.2!!! I ate under my calorie count, I burned 1000 calories..and gained a pound :(

I under stand plateaus but not for almost two months of bouncing back and fourth!! I just dont understand, of course im not giving up but just really down about this.


  • BeautyFromPain
    BeautyFromPain Posts: 4,952 Member
    do you eat your exercise calories?
  • dizzyblondegirlie
    you poor thing. That must be really frustrating for you. Sounds like you're doing everything right to me. Can I ask if you had a c-section? Just thinking that your muscles may still be repairing themselves.

    Keep your chin up and don't give up! xxx
  • ironanimal
    ironanimal Posts: 5,922 Member
    Two things I can think of - is your Net calories dropping below 1200 for a day, including deducting exercise? If it is getting below that level regularly, your metabolism can start to slow down as a method of self preservation.

    Also, when was the last time you ate whatever the hell you liked for a day? I believe a weekly overload of calories is a good way to ensure your metabolism continues to work at the appropriate level. Today for instance, I won't control my eating and where I'm usually on a 1990 a day limit, I will probably consume over 3000.

    Also remember you will retain water after an intense workout, and you can store up to 5lbs of water in your body at a time.

    Keep your chin up and keep working at it :)
  • ashtonscoggins
    ashtonscoggins Posts: 105 Member
    It does suck!! I do try and eat my exercise calories. I didnt have a csection. My calorie count every day with out exercise is 1540 when I was 1200 I never lost ANYTHING and that was with out exercise as well. All I can think of is I drink a lot of coffee (no sugar and just two tbsp. of sugar free creamer) and this week potatoes regular and sweet have been a trend. I do have a "cheat" day I do keep track of those calories though just to make sure! I keep thinking maybe just maybe im bloated from coffee or that tomorrow or the next day my menstrual cycle should start. Do you retain weight during those times??
  • 1a1a
    1a1a Posts: 761 Member
    Have you done any circuit training? Perhaps have a crack at Jillian Michaels 30 day Shred or Ripped in 30, hoping a bit of toning might help you (and even if it didn't, at least you'll be stronger :-) )
  • learningtolove
    learningtolove Posts: 288 Member
    Your af can make you "gain weight" as well as your sodium intake can cause you to retain water.
  • Helloitsdan
    Helloitsdan Posts: 5,564 Member
    Eat at maintenance for 2 weeks to break a plateau.
    Youve lost a lot of weight and you need a break.
  • szimba
    szimba Posts: 298 Member
  • hsk1019
    hsk1019 Posts: 235 Member
    I'm sorry to hear how defeated you feel :(
    Can I ask if you are sure about the accuracy of the calorie burn you have (eg do you wear a HRM)? Just trying to think of additional possibilities.
    Hang in there!
  • Esl4541
    That is a question I have - are you supposed to eat your exercise calories?? I thought you were..
  • treatingmybodyright
    treatingmybodyright Posts: 184 Member
    Thanks for reaching out--the people on here are wonderful!

    What is your workout routine? As someone else mentioned, I would highly recommend circuit/weight training. Muscle is what burns fat, and you won't gain as much muscle if you're just doing cardio. I would also recommend making your food diary public so others can hone in on what might be some pitfalls in your nutritional needs.

    Good luck!
  • ranewell
    ranewell Posts: 621 Member
    I'd be interested in suggestions, also, as I'm going thruough the exact same thing, bouncing between the same 4 lbs for the last 4 months. I've tried everything everyone has suggested, even started circuit training at the gym...stll bouncing. I've lowered calories, increased calories, ate at maintenance for a couple weeks, took a couple weeks off from working out in hopes of kick starting the metabolism, had a cheat day a week...I understand your frustration. It seems like we're doing all the right things, but the scale is stuck. The important thing is that we continue making the healthy choices. Still frustrating!!!!! Hope it turns around soon!!
  • GraceOrr
    You can do this, I know you can. My solution would be to change your exersize routine, and lean out your diet. Your body can and may be use to the same things you are doing. Also when you lean out your diet you are supplying your body with more protein so your muscles can repair faster. So ramp up your workouts...try something new, and eat more protein.
    It is still very important to eat well balanced, so dont skimp on your veggies, friut, and grains, and always TONS of water.
    Also, have you tried any supplements to help you? I know that if your breastfeding you most likely dont want to take anything, but just asking.
    And, I wear a heartrate monitor for my workouts. My goal is to burn atleast 500 for each workout. I find that it helps motivate me. I wear the Polar F4 and the Garmin 405 cx.
    I hope some of this has helped. Just remember, YOU CAN AND WILL DO THIS!
  • bscormier
    If you eat your exercise calories you are not going to lose weight. You have to be in a deficit to lose weight. If you are at your goal weight you will maintain your weight by eating your exercise calories. :heart:
  • MelissaJ20
    Maybe trying to switch up your workout routine (different machines etc.), try different foods (different veggies, fruits). Also, I am not sure if you drink alcohol, but maybe cutting it out completely for a period of time. I know it seems frustrating, but you will figure it out. Congrats on all the weight loss so far! :)
  • DBRobinson13
    DBRobinson13 Posts: 40 Member
    Dont' give up! You will get there with your commitment and the support from this great MFP team. You've received great advice here. Here are 2 additional things that have worked for me.
    1. Minimize the coffee and substitute green tea. There are some great flavored teas that give you the satisfaciton of "sweet" like the coffee creamer.
    2. Eat breakfast within 30 minutes of getting up. Let your body jump start your metabolism early!

    You can do it!!!
    PS. Congrats on that sweet baby. Stop and savor the little moments!
  • Nana_Booboo
    Nana_Booboo Posts: 501 Member
    If you eat 1200 and exercise off 400 you're body only gets 800 cal. This "could" eventually cause you to not lose or lose extremely slowly. Years of dieting and depriving and have caused me to fail several times.

    A basic diet of 2000 cal plus exercise 2-5 times a week is the "normal" maintainable diet for most humans
    You however still want to lose weight, correct?

    So for example, you take in 1800, exercise 600 bring your total back down to 1200 thus having a deficit from a maintainable diet of 2000 cal of 800 cal a day that with in a weeks time is 5600 cal. That should give you a 1.5 lb loss.

    It took me a while but I think I'm understanding this: "eat your exercise calories" and keep a daily intake of no less than 1200!!
  • Esl4541
    But if your net calories are still below your estimated BMR, shouldn't you still be in a deficit??
  • MelissaGraham7
    MelissaGraham7 Posts: 403 Member
    Don't let it make you feel defeated, though. You've made progress. You have the right mind set to keep it going. TO be honest, I've been at a plateau for almost a year - in the 170s. Fighting the same 2 pounds up and down. Had tried everything, more food, less food, more activity, less activity, calorie cycling.... you name it, I have tried it. People kept insisting it is calories in, calories out. So, I started again with measuring everything (even the tablespoon of cream in my coffee where I was actually using about 4 tablespoons once I actually measured it!) and I also changed up my exercise (added some Tae Bo) and I dropped 2.5 pounds. Here's the main thing.....if/when you hit plateaus, you just keep doing what you are doing and treat it like maintenance. If you are truly measuring, truly exercising, truly doing every single thing right, then just treat this as a maintenance phase and keep steady where you are until your body is ready to let it go. THis is a lifestyle change, not a diet. There is nothing to be defeated about. Keep on moving and keep on eating healthy!! Everything else will happen in its own time!
  • Neize
    Neize Posts: 301 Member
    totally agree with Melissa Graham!