Can you collect your ex. cals and eat them all in one day?



  • MellowYellowGem
    MellowYellowGem Posts: 120 Member
    I've read before a bit of a spike day can be good for your metabolism, sort of giving it a shock so it doesn't get complacent! Don't know how much truth there is in it, but I still lose & have a treat day (within reason)
  • jdevrich
    I've always allowed myself 1 cheat day per week. You have to treat yourself every so often.
  • dbrightwell1270
    dbrightwell1270 Posts: 1,732 Member
    Sorry, but no. You'll burn lean body mass on collection days, then add fat on your eat day.

    This doesn't make sense to me. If you add fat for your cheat day, then there is fat to be burned on your collection days.
  • bcampbell54
    bcampbell54 Posts: 932 Member
    Well, I'm glad that we're all of one mind on this!
  • naia16
    naia16 Posts: 35
    hmmm....doesn't seem like anyone can agree on an answer. :(
  • ArroganceInStep
    ArroganceInStep Posts: 6,239 Member
    Taken to extremes it's probably not a good idea. I mean if you burn 1000 cals a day, eat 500 cals on those days, but then on your off day have a 14000 calorie bonanza that's a bit much. However if it's a small amount, like 1200 instead of 1400 and you burn 200 cals a day then on your off day you have that extra 1000 calories or whatever.

    Everything in moderation. Try to make sure you aren't starving yourself on the collection days, but a scheduled cheat day is definitely not a bad thing.
  • fj211
    fj211 Posts: 95
    I had my only cheat day yesterday and went over by 300 calories. I felt so guilty that I got on the treadmill last night and took half of it back.
  • NicoWoodruff
    NicoWoodruff Posts: 369 Member
    I hear some people say the "cheat day" thing works for them, I have a friend who does the "Carbohydrate Addict Diet" and says it gives you an hour each day to have anything you want including refined carbs but after your "hour" you're supposed to be strict. She says when she follows it she does lose and it's the only diet that works for her.

    Cheat days do not work for me though, I think it would just make me more likely to eat poorly more often and after eating clean for a long time most of the things people eat on their cheat days don't really appeal to me that much anyway.

    However I do sometimes eat light to "save up" calories a little bit over the day to have some treat that I know will be a fairly high carb load.
  • mogadad
    mogadad Posts: 41 Member
    Let's just say you can yo-yo somewhat and keep your body from adjusting. If you have an extra calorie mentality maybe you should work on staying in the present. Just for today I'm going to try my best. Tomorrow I have no control over.

    Cheating, at least for me, sets up craving and thoughts about what I can get away with.
  • WifeMomDVM
    WifeMomDVM Posts: 1,025 Member
    Sorry, but no. You'll burn lean body mass on collection days, then add fat on your eat day.

    This doesn't make sense to me. If you add fat for your cheat day, then there is fat to be burned on your collection days.

    It has to do with the glycogen stores in your liver (to some extent) and what you eat. If one is under on calories all week long, it is quite possible the person is not getting enough protein in their diet - the body needs protein to function and when in short supply it gets it where it can - when not available in the diet - the next place to get get protein is from breaking down your own muscle tissue.

    Most people want to maintain their muscle tissue as it is very metabolically active and helps burn fat.

    On the day the person eats a large volume of calories, the body can only process so much at one time - and then yes, the excess energy is stored - usually as fat - once glycogen stores in the liver are full again.

    And while yes - you can treat yourself here and again and it won't derail your efforts or may even confuse your metabolism and keep you on track - moderation is key.

    The way the OP suggested sounds a bit extreme (IMHO) and from a biological standpoint - I do think you are risking losing muscle mass/storing fat with this PARTICULAR strategy.

    I think a better idea would be to eat 1400-1500 NET calories most days (I'm just not a fan of 1200 - ever - sorry) and then treat yourself to the guilty pleasure of your choice once a week to stay sane (but treat within reason).

    Good luck everyone!
  • I_get_fit
    I_get_fit Posts: 145 Member
    I say try it and see if it works for you Everyone is different. I think the idea overall is good... if the day you have high calories is controlled (meaning you count the calories and it's not a binge)

    Good luck. Oh and it it works, you might want to do a post about it because I think a lot of people would be interested.
  • Just1forMe
    Just1forMe Posts: 624 Member
    Solid, YES you can do this. Think about the science of the numbers. It takes a net loss of 3500 calories PER WEEK to lose one pound. It doesn't take into account when you lose those those calories. I've done this on occasion with great continued success (60+ pounds lost).

    As a second motivator, if I go over my calories on Monday by 300, then I can either do 300 calories in exercise that day(usually don't want to do this) or take off 100 calories for the next 3 days OR exercise for 100 calories burned the next three days.(and don't add it back into the eatable food for that day).

    So relax and enjoy. This method is good for spike metabolism AND to give yourself permission instead of not thinking that you've failed ONE day. Average it out and enjoy your journey.
    i totaly agree with you!! for me. I would not actually "add up" your total exercise calories though....maybe just do one 2600-2800 calorie day.
  • becoming_a_new_me
    becoming_a_new_me Posts: 1,860 Member
    This is something that will get varied answers because of the different opinions. You will find what works best for you, but it's perfectly okay to have a lazy/splurge day from time to time. I personally do not do this because I know how it will make me feel both mentally and physically. To stay on track with my plan, I like to count each day as a new day. It has been discussed that a splurge day helps to equalize your metabolism, and while I cannot find studies to quantify this, the testomonies speak for themselves.

    Mary Ann
  • sirabe
    sirabe Posts: 294 Member
    Sounds like calorie cycling
  • LA723
    LA723 Posts: 98 Member
    in the voice of Jillian Michaels-No You Cannot!
    (those of you that know Jillian-this should totally make you laugh):laugh:

    LOL! It did make me laugh!

    I think the jury is still out on this. I've read posts here that say one day of eating a lot is good for your metabolism and then I've read others that say it's the worst thing you can do.

    I think this is an individual thing and one should try out each way & see how their body responds.
  • KathyWel
    KathyWel Posts: 140
    Cheating, at least for me, sets up craving and thoughts about what I can get away with.

    Yep that's the way it is for me too!
  • NicoWoodruff
    NicoWoodruff Posts: 369 Member
    Cheating, at least for me, sets up craving and thoughts about what I can get away with.

    Yep that's the way it is for me too!

    Exactly. I know that's how it would be for me too, which is why I've never even bothered with trying it.
  • annabellj
    annabellj Posts: 1,337 Member
    I have a lot of bodybuilders that are on my friends list and they seem to have no problem eating like this. they dont cheat the entire day per se, but a cheat meal is fine. if they can look totally ripped, i think it is ok for me to have a fun meal once in a while. the key is to not go so overboard, stuffed, etc with crap that you feel like crap. Also, i am a former ww member who used to eat like this also and it did nothing to stall my weightloss. when you start looking at it as, oh its the weekend, i can eat whatever i want to, that is when you get into trouble, whatever you do, track it, no matter what you eat, put it in your diary. that way you can go back to check what you have eaten and how you feel physically after if it was worth it or not. my cheats are not planned because i never know when i will want something but i dont cheat that often anymore cuz i just dont feel good afterwards and i have a really hard time getting back on track, it is more trial and error to see what will work for you. not every person is going to have the exact same journey.
  • nixickle
    nixickle Posts: 229 Member
    It does always puzzle me when people talk about 'saving up' extra calories, or alcohol or other treats etc....we wouldnt dream of saving up our fruit and veg rations and cram that into one day...nor would we not exercise at all, all week just to do it all in one day!! So why do we presume we can do this with the naughty stuff? - just curious as I have never understood this!

    I think this would be my worst nightmare! I am normally so hungry after any exercise, I need the extra that day!! I could think of nothing worse than feeling like I'm starving all week just to indulge for one night! (but that's also because i like treats on a regular basis!!) When I was losing weight I stayed roughly within a range (from 1200 - 1600 net) which was still below my maintenance range, and if I did indulge, the following day I would just go back to 1200. I allowed myself cheat days and now that I'm maintaining I still allow cheat days (I've just 2 this weekend) and following on from a cheat day I will lower my calories the next day for a few days before eating maintenance calories again. My biggest concern with 'saving up exercise calories' is that you are at risk of feeling light headed and getting headaches as your body does require that extra fuel. But I am a strong believer in eating all exercise calories, and I know I certainly need mine!

    However you could always try this and see how you get on. If it works for you then go for it. I'm a strong believer in going with what works for you. For me personally this would be a big no-no! But we're all different!

    Best of luck to you!
  • thankyou4thevenom
    thankyou4thevenom Posts: 1,581 Member
    Stuff like this really confuses me when I know people who are naturally slim that eat next to nothing one day and eat like the pig the next. Yet according to a lot of people here that is a sure way to gain fat.