Could shock absorbers be the problem with shin splints?

I got a new pair of running shoes for Christmas. Light weight New Balance. I like them okay. I've been doing the C25K program since first of January. I've been having a slight problem with shin splints. Rest, ice, etc. etc. I decided to go ahead and buy Dr. Scholl's athletic shock absorbers. I used them yesterday with my run/walk. It was all I could do to hobble back home. I thought my shins were separating from my body!

They did make my shoes a little bit heavier. As you can see, I have a lot of weight to lose and I'm not going to a running store to buy a new pair until I lose some weight and that will be my reward. So....could these shock absorbers have hurt me that much?


  • iuangina
    iuangina Posts: 691 Member
    You could do some serious damage with improper shoes and end up not being able to workout at all. I would reconsider your stance on the running store. I personally think its more important when you are heavier to have the right fit.
    That being said, the weight of your shoes could cause issues like shin splints. I've had that problem before. I have very small ankles so any extra weight in my shoes caused severe pain.