Looking for friends with similar goals

Im 20 and need to lose around 50lb to get to my goal weight of 125 lb. Would like some friends with similar goals in mind. :D Add me :D


  • itsshadowwithane
    itsshadowwithane Posts: 114 Member
    In 21 looking to have lost 50 when all said and done.but in really only looking for 140lbs at this point
  • Sonyakrueger8
    Hey Ladies!
    I am 38 trying to lose 35lbs to weight 142!! What are your plans for weight loss? I am doing 1200 calorie diet with exercise 4-6 days a week.
  • larahackney
    larahackney Posts: 12 Member
    My daily goal is 1410 calories but seem to always be under that without exercising! I'm aiming to do 20 mins 5 times a week for exercise. At the moment I'm doing the 30 day shred. Only on day 3 coz after days 1 and 2 my legs were so sore it hurt to walk for like 3 whole days! Did day 3 yesterday though and feel fine today. Its a really good intense workout with a mix of strength, cardio and abs and only takes 20 mins! I would definitely recommend it :D
  • TheCeebles
    Hi :)

    I'm 23, living in Aberdeen, looking to lose around 50-60 lbs at the moment :)

    Feel free to add
  • serenity216
    serenity216 Posts: 512 Member
    My ideal weight goal is to lose 60 pounds. I have lost 5 pounds since I started on December 28th. I am 35 years old.
  • KristinLeAnn252
    KristinLeAnn252 Posts: 136 Member
    I'm 5'0 and my goal is 95 but anywhere from 95-130 is my healthy weight goal so I need to get to those :) I need to lose around 60 lbs.
  • morningbell
    morningbell Posts: 33 Member
    Hi! Im 27 and trying to lose my last 20 lbs.. feel free to add me :)
  • darcilynn73
    My friend recommended "earning" your calories by exercise. If u want, you can adjust your calories to 800-1000 (depending on your exercise goals) or so and when you earn calories for exercising you will find that your total calorie count is in range of the 1200. After logging in your diary for the day you won't get yelled at for not eating enough.Good luck!
  • steelersfamily6
    steelersfamily6 Posts: 138 Member
    Hi everyone, my name is Julie Ann and I am trying to get down to 140 pounds. I currently weigh 201.6 and when I started MFP I weighed in at 208.6 The cool thing is I had went to a seminar on January 4th and they did a body analysis on me so when I weighed in there I was 212.6 pounds, I had 119.6 lean muscle mass and I had 92.4 fat mass. I can't wait to see what it says about me now. I will going in next week to see. So all in all I am down 11 pounds since January 4th. I am so excited about this life change and I am already so much more active then I was before, I actually love getting up and doing things.
  • LRunda
    LRunda Posts: 59 Member
    I'm 26 and need to loose about 30lbs. Good Luck!
  • cheermaz
    Im 26 and i want to lose about 10lbs good luck everyone! Im doing 1200 daily calories and working out 4 times a week
  • myuva
    myuva Posts: 67
    I am looking to lose 45 pounds........I am 5 feet tall......add me if you like !
  • WifeMomDVM
    WifeMomDVM Posts: 1,025 Member
    My friend recommended "earning" your calories by exercise. If u want, you can adjust your calories to 800-1000 (depending on your exercise goals) or so and when you earn calories for exercising you will find that your total calorie count is in range of the 1200. After logging in your diary for the day you won't get yelled at for not eating enough.Good luck!

    In general, it is not a good idea to try and "trick the system" you want to establish life long healthy habits. Ideally, you want to NET at least 1200 calories a day, so if you exercise, and burn 300 calories - then you get to eat 1500 calories a day.

    Eating only 800-1000 (+your exercise calories) is NOT going to be sustainable long term (though it may work for a short while) and you run the risk of setting yourself up for binges or throwing in the towel later on.

    Much better to eat a NUTRITIONALLY balanced diet where you are meeting your body's NEEDS for long term success.

    I'm not trying to sound mean - and no offense to your friend - but he/she did not give you very sound advice. :(

    With all that being said - friend requests are always welcome. I'm 31 and 7 weeks pregnant so, I'm gaining weight right now...
  • sugareexx
    I'm 25 and looking to lose 50 lbs. I've never been on a diet in my life and never exercised regularly. I have a very busy schedule and can't find the time to exercise and I'm always eating on the go. I need some motivation!!! Please add me!!! :)