To scale, or not to scale.. that is the question.

Hey all,

Just started on my weight loss journey here 2 days ago. I was thinking of investing in a scale today (The last 30$ I have until my payday) and then i found a lot of posts on these forums saying scales lie and they are discouraging and you should measure yourself by using measuring tape and pictures... What are your thoughts? I am about 400 pounds or a bit less... when I went to the doctors office he said "Im too heavy for the scale"


  • Measuring tape and tight pants or jeans :) Forget the scale, it will only discourage you. Good luck on your weight-loss journey :)
  • photos and measuring tape. I lost a very small amount in terms of "weight" but the photos were worth a thousand words/calories! Great motivational tool!
  • Kellyh01
    Kellyh01 Posts: 23 Member
    Personally, I like to weigh. I do it once a week. It is very motivating to keep going when I see pounds coming off.

    Also, a higher quality scale may cost more than $30. If you do decide to buy one, read the packaging carefully to find one that can measure higher weights. It is to me unacceptable that your doctor's office doesn't have a medical grade scale. They of all places should have one.
  • k8bugz
    k8bugz Posts: 64 Member
    It's a personal preference - I used to weigh and measure myself sporadically but recently started weekly weigh-ins, which I'm finding really helps me stay focused and on track. But measurements are really much more encouraging!!!!

    BUT, I'd suggest for you to use measurements and pics for the time being, and maybe your gym or somewhere has a scale you can check-in with as well? And in the meantime start saving for a nice scale to use as a reward for a specific amount of pounds lost, or as a tool to keep yourself going if you ever find your motivation lacking.

    Enjoy yourself!
  • PhatAndy
    PhatAndy Posts: 285
    Well, I bought one, and I errored it because im over 400 pounds........ ;''''''(
  • Im not sure if guys are different then girls, but I definitely scale it up.

    I weight myself every 3 days. When I get closer to my goal I will go to weighing in every 10 days. In the beginning though for me, I am able to better change my plan around because I know I should be losing a decent amount.
  • Personally, I love my scale. Gives me motivation! And I know that it's not perfect, weight fluctuates, but if I'm moving between 150-155 instead of 160-165, I know I've lost weight :)
  • rsmithy89
    rsmithy89 Posts: 174 Member
    If you have that much to lose, the scales will be great. You will be losing a lot and constantly losing!

    I weigh myself every day (in the morning) and then average it out for the week. This helps to get a nice average taking into account water weight etc.
  • I like to weigh.

    I weigh Mondays and Fridays (Fridays being the start of my working week; Mondays being the first day of my weekend). I also measure myself on these days.
  • susanb573
    susanb573 Posts: 111 Member
    Just keep on track and before long you won't error it out.
  • sweet110
    sweet110 Posts: 332 Member
    Well, I think it is personal preference. But if you are someone who has been fighting your weight for years...use the scale. For the same reason you count calories: to keep you accountable. We have the amazing ability to lie to ourselves, and pants stretch (I'm still squeezing my larger self into a pair of pants that would be two sizes too small if I went to buy them new. They grew with me! ;-) The scale gives me objective feedback on what I've been doing. I gained, I lost, I stayed the same. Done.

    And, you're a guy. Weight loss isn't necessarily easier for men, but its a lot more straight forward. We have our crazy girl hormones that can make us gain 5 pounds of water overnight. Which, as you can imagine, can make you want to throw your scale out the window. Since you won't have that problem, I think you'll be glad you got the scale.

    Even though your scale won't work for you now, when you get to 399, think how successful you'll feel?
  • TeeRaceFisher
    TeeRaceFisher Posts: 44 Member
    I use a scale, they had cheapo ones at walmart but they are only rated for up to 300lbs. I think in the long run, photos and measurements prove more dramatic, but for beginners it's nice to see when 2 or 3 pounds shed off. :)
  • stevwil41
    stevwil41 Posts: 608 Member
    I like the scale. I can't remember what I paid for mine but I think it was in the $30 to $40 range. If you chose to buy one then be consistent when you weigh yourself. Even if the scale is slightly off as long as you're consistent then it should show your progress. Measuring yourself would also be good if you're into that. I'm not. I sort of suck at it and short of tatooing guide marks on my body I can't seem to ever measure the same spot twice in a row so I don't bother anymore. One other thing, if you start weighing yourself at home then don't get worked up over what the scales at your gym or dr.'s office read. Consistency is what you're after:)