Hi again

Hi all,

I fell off the wagon over xmas and new year, with illness and the temptation of other food being very high at that time. I also cleared my friend list awhile ago as I wasnt really interacting properly with people so felt it wasnt worth it. Ive already lost about 20LBS but am aiming to start my diet again tomorrow (monday). Id love if anyone fancies adding me and dieting along with me :)

To save you looking at my profile, Im 30 years old, male, live in england and have chronic ill health, so exercise isnt an option to aid my dieting sadly. Im into writing, reading, movies, music and gaming, with some photography thrown in when able.

Hope to hear from some nice peeps soon :)


  • becoming_a_new_me
    becoming_a_new_me Posts: 1,860 Member
    Hi! Glad you are back with renewed determination! Question for you - why can't you exercise? I have a chronic pain condition, but am able to walk and swim. There are low impact options out there to get moving. Feel free to add me!

    Mary Ann
  • Getting7here
    Getting7here Posts: 23 Member
    Hi Mary Ann,

    Thanks Ive sent an invite. My illness wont allow me to do too much or I lose the little quality of life I already have. Light walking is about possible on my good days, but the short duration makes any calorific benefit almost negligable. I used to love swimming but since being ill its sadly a no no, it makes me feel very unwell. Im glad to hear you can manage to do some though, I bet its very relaxing :)
  • becoming_a_new_me
    becoming_a_new_me Posts: 1,860 Member
    I'm sorry you are ill and that it prevents you from quality of life :cry: I am always able to support. Do you mind if I ask what your condition is?