Leslie Sansone videos



  • 11Jayme11
    11Jayme11 Posts: 194 Member
    I LOVE THEM! I actually just bought another one today! I already have Walk it Off- Tone it Up.. and today I bought Walk Slim... I would suggest her to anyone. Shes so great to listen to!
  • TeaBea
    TeaBea Posts: 14,517 Member
    Leslie Sansone DVDs are great. Most of the newer workouts (Walk At Home series) are chaptered. You can do as many, or as few miles as you want. The older series Walk Away the Pounds (were originally VHS) are not chaptered, still many good workouts though.

    Some use "boosters" - light handweights, a resistance band, even a weighted belt. Some have "boosted" walking ..... jogging. If you have Netflix, or a library card, rent a few to see what appeals to you.

    My favorite Leslie DVDs with a group - 3 Mile Weight Loss Walk and Walk Slim 5 Really Big Miles. Target has a "2 pack" of Leslie Sansone videos for $9.99 (Bullseye Bodega area).... includes above 3 mile video and a 2nd 3 mile one.

    My favorite Leslie DVDs with Leslie only - Walk Weightloss Bootcamp, and Burn Body Fat (1,2 & 3 miles) ... has music only option

    collagevideo.com has video clips & reviews ..... this should help you narrow your search some
  • kimray75
    kimray75 Posts: 66 Member
    When I originally lost 92 pounds, most of my workouts consisted of Leslie Sansone videos. I still incorporate them in my workout regimen at least a few times a week. I have every single series she has ever come out with so I never get bored! I definitely recommend Leslie's DVDs.
  • catwalking
    Love Leslie! I've been doing her WATP for over 10 years.
  • MichelleV1990
    MichelleV1990 Posts: 806 Member
    Thanks for all the great responses! It sounds like my coworkers and I have made a wise choice to go with Leslie. I also appreciate the hrm and logging suggestions. Happy walking, and have a great day, everyone!
  • ebonyroche
    ebonyroche Posts: 677 Member
    I used leslie sansone walk away the pounds years ago and was successful. I started out at 330 and couldn't do much of anything. I started on the 1 mile and worked my way up to 3 mile 5 days/wk. I lost 70 pounds! But then stress took over my life and I gained 50 back over the last 3 years. But it did work for me. I just had a baby and used it while I was pregnant to keep my weight gain down.