Looking for a event partner for Tough Mudder NorCal in Sept.

About 3 months ago I changed my focus from weight loss and general fitness to athletic conditioning to compete in events. So far I have run a 5K and the Warrior Dash last year. This year I am registered for a 5K mud run in April, a 5 mile mud run in August, and the Warrior Dash in October.

The pinnacle of the events I want to run this year is called Tough Mudder and I am going to register in Sept as an individual, but I would love to join an existing team or form my own team. At very least I'd like to have one person of fairly similar physical condition to run it with for motivation and help each other over obstacles.

Any one on MFP interested? Check out the details here: http://toughmudder.com/events/norcal-2012/

Contact me here if you are interested.
