Really doing it this time!!

I have decided that it is just easier to do this on MFP and so I am back. I am crazy busy with work, internship for grad school and trying to get my butt in shape. I am looking for all the motivation I can get which is why I am back on here as well. I have started a gluten free diet which has been a challenge, but I believe it is helping me so I just need to figure out how to do it while losing weight. My goal is to lose weight and to improve my overall fitness level, so wish me luck!


  • avk9802
    avk9802 Posts: 84 Member
    Good Luck! :D
  • mruntidy
    mruntidy Posts: 1,015 Member
    Good luck and you're not alone, if you stick with it, watch your food n your exercise logging it all i bet my left nut you'll lose in week one

    i now have a stake in you losing weight don't let me down :wink: