You've used all your calories, but still hungry, what do you



  • dlyeates
    dlyeates Posts: 875 Member
    Drink some water or put some Crystal Light in it (over by 10 calories isn't really a big deal).

    Or do some exercise and earn a snack!!! I try to have a deficit of about 100 calories to make sure I have enough for a snack!!!
  • jaredpinney
    jaredpinney Posts: 16 Member
    very good concept there! Thank you i will put that into practice :)
  • mrsjay4life
    mrsjay4life Posts: 34 Member
    Depends on how many calories you are working with per day
    You made need to make better food choices. That way you will be
    able to eat more and still have calories left as reserve. What I
    will suggest that you do find something you like to do that keeps your mind
    Occupied; Drinking a glass of water or eat ice. For me hardly go into
    my kitchen after my last meal and I have cleaned up! I chew sugar
    free gum; read a lot on weight loss success stories or go to bed early.
    Always remember if you really need to Eat be honest and still log it,
    because looking back in your daily diary you will be able to correct some
    of your mistakes as you get better With controlling your appetite. Good luck!
    Many has done it and you can also!
  • mrsmarit
    mrsmarit Posts: 229 Member
    I'm really struggling with this. I have a great day with my eating and am on track, then it gets close to bedtime and I suddenly feel really hungry again.

    Right now I feel like I could easily make up some pasta or throw some chips in the oven... but that would throw away the days good work. I have hit 'compete day' on my calorie counter and I expect it to stay that way.

    But what do you do to take your mind off the hunger when you first start calorie counting?

    I was completely fine and satisfied with less than what I am currently eating before my 'Christmas swell', and I know after a week or so my stomach will shrink again in time, but it feels harder this time round :(

    I looked at your diary and I also think if you ate more protein throughout the day then you might not get those late night cravings.

    If you are still hungry then have some veggies or maybe some air popped popcorn.
  • labeachgirl
    labeachgirl Posts: 158 Member
    Thanks for the quick replies! :)

    I'm going to go for a big glass of water... I do struggle to drink enough water, it's one of my main goals to hit at least 8 glasses a day. Today I have reached my 8 so I will have to up that to 10 and hope I don't need to pee all night long :P

    If that doesn't do the trick I think I'll try the cucumber, I love cucumber and thinking that the act of eating 'something' might convince my body into thinking its done for the day!

    @MaximalLife I have added on 200 calories to what was suggested as I know from past experience I don't function well on a 1200 calorie diet, so am on 1400 at the moment. Today has been one of those days where I saved my calories for a big meal with my family so I think that is part of the problem. I will try make my diary public, I wasn't aware that it was hidden :)

    Start throwing things into a pitcher of water to flavor it - strawberries, lemon, mint, cucumbers, raspberries, etc - it'll make it more tasty if you have a hard time drinking it straight
  • AllonsYtotheTardis
    AllonsYtotheTardis Posts: 16,947 Member
    As a daily thing, I leave some of my calories for the evening - I always get a little hungry around 9 - 10 pm, so I have a snack. I plan for it, so it fits my goals for the day.
  • Anthonydaman
    Anthonydaman Posts: 854 Member
    go to bed
  • aaasky
    aaasky Posts: 68 Member
    I don't know how you feel about seaweed--seriously I know this sounds weird, but hear me out!--but I just bought a bag of wakame. You can get it in any Asian grocery store, and it's salty and crunchy. Also NO CALORIES. Not exactly chips, but it's a good snack if I just need something to graze on. The sodium and iodine content's high, so that's something to keep in mind, but it also might encourage you to drink more water.
  • water water and more water :) I can almost grantee this is why you are still hungry. Sub some of your snacks for a glass of water too sometimes when we think we are hungry we need a drink x
  • pinkraynedropjacki
    pinkraynedropjacki Posts: 3,027 Member
    Workout more. I am on 1300 cals a day, I can eat 2500 & still be in my net 1300. I workout enough so I can eat enough.
  • LorinaLynn
    LorinaLynn Posts: 13,247 Member
    I have chocolate milk at bedtime just about every night.
  • Vailara
    Vailara Posts: 2,462 Member
    I like a cup of decaff tea with milk, or a small spoonful of quark.
  • ken_hogan
    ken_hogan Posts: 854 Member
    Brush your teeth....
  • EDollah
    EDollah Posts: 464 Member
    Do people realize they're responding to a post that's a year and half old? I'm sure OP has resolved this by now.
  • Joehenny
    Joehenny Posts: 1,222 Member
    You shouldn't be going to sleep hungry something is wrong. I'd personally eat some fruit then.
  • aaasky
    aaasky Posts: 68 Member
    Double post, sorry.
  • ken_hogan
    ken_hogan Posts: 854 Member
    Didn't notice until you mentioned it!!! LOL
  • ken_hogan
    ken_hogan Posts: 854 Member
    Do people realize they're responding to a post that's a year and half old? I'm sure OP has resolved this by now.

    Didn't notice until you mentioned it!! LOL!!
  • nikilis
    nikilis Posts: 2,305 Member

    anything decaffeinated. its just a trick you're not really hungry. i fast from 8pm till 2pm the next day every day, at the 4-6 hour mark after your last meal your stomach is like:

    "hey man.... you feel like having something to eat man?"

    and im like: "naa bra, but heres some tea, its nice right?"

    and hes like "sheit, is this christmas tea man? I love christmas tea man. Aiight I wont bug you anymore bra, looking forward to dem oats tomorrow man, goodnight"

    if you wake up feeling hungry its not really hunger its thirst. thats my thoughts.
  • nikilis
    nikilis Posts: 2,305 Member
    Do people realize they're responding to a post that's a year and half old? I'm sure OP has resolved this by now.

    Didn't notice until you mentioned it!! LOL!!

    lol. fail.