10 min trainer/ or gym membership

busey Posts: 39 Member
Hi everyone just want an opinion on if I should join a gym,( which I like the social part of) or doing the 10 min. trainer, which is a lot cheaper. Any thoughts on the trainer?


  • ConnieSG
    ConnieSG Posts: 376
    When I had my trainer, I loved her. If you can afford the gym membership, I would go with that
  • SomeoneSomeplace
    SomeoneSomeplace Posts: 1,094 Member
    Trainers are MAD expensive, at least the ones I am familiar with. They are good tho because they motivate you. I had one when I was younger, and training to try out for Field Hockey during my Freshmen Year in college. She was great but I actually prefer to work out on my own. I am a grad student so I pay 90 dollars a semester to use the gym on my campus but gyms such as Planet FItness are only 10 dollars a month, which would be cheaper than a trainer. I am not actually familiar with the term "10 minute trainer" but either way I would go with a gym membership. You'll get a rebate from your Health Insurance too...I'm not sure how much as it probably varies but I get over 100 dollars from Blue Cross. I love going to the gym tho. It allows you to get into a routine and you can do your own thing. I feel like just ten minutes wouldn't do much, you can't train that much in ten minutes. You need at least 30 minutes but I find I need closer to an hour. The thing thats great about the gym is if you're feeling really good one day you can do a really hard work out but if you're really tired/hung over, whatever then you can do a lighter work out. You just have to get into a routine and learn to motivate yourself. Some days its harder than others
  • csmith4567
    csmith4567 Posts: 82 Member
    What I love about the 10 Min Trainer DVD is the lack of excuses - it is easy, in your living room - 10 Minutes. Ideally, I take 10 minutes a couple times a day when I am studying ... Like all things, you get out what you put in .. . Combining (and re-combining) the 10 minute workouts into a unique series of 30 40 50 or 60 minutes would be perfect! I am just starting and do 10 to 30 min a day since school started (1 week ago). I feel it all over ... I mix it up a cardio every day plus one of the strength or flexibility training ... more if I feel froggy. This is my study break to get up and move after being hunched over books.

    However, if you need to leave the house to make it happen ... then do the gym You have to be honest with yourself about what pushes you.