New to this whole "healthy thing" and could use some fitness

Hey there! I am new to myfitnesspal, though I created the account a few months back. I have had this sudden spurt of motivation and I want to keep it rolling before it runs out. I figure if I start working hard and get results before my motivation runs out motivation won't run out! Does that make sense? Anyway, I am looking for anyone on here, near or far, that can be a part of my support group. Anyone with good advice, or healthy recipes, or just someone to stick with as we reach our goals together. This is going to be a long journey for me, but I am really looking forward to the end result. So what do you say, lets do this! :happy:


  • mudpaw
    mudpaw Posts: 37 Member
    Hello Lisa,

    Welcome back I guess. I would offer advice but I don't know anything! I'm a hopeless case. Hahaha. All I know is Om Nom Nom. Extra cheese! Hahaha.
    Anyways...have you browsed through the community groups?


    PS: grats on losing 12lbs. Soon you'll be rocking those new outfits and stuff.
  • msmangin
    msmangin Posts: 13 Member
    Motivation, I was recently advised to physically list my motivation for losing weight and being healthy, then post it. When I thought about it, I realized I have quite a few reasons why I need to lose weight. My goal is 45 pounds by June. I've been overweight for about 13 years now. Done a lot of reading and listening, taking nutrition classes, member at the gym, home DVD's and exercise equipment, and I do have quite a bit of head information. Now I'm doing something I've never tried before, a personal trainer, 2x a week; to complement my own work out 3x a week. I'm thinking (1) a trainer is pretty costly and I should appreciate that and make the most of it; (2) I love challenges; and (3) the trainer should have the expertise to chose the best workout for my body type and goals. So, that is my list of motivation. I'd be happy to be part of your support group; just friend me.
  • shenitamo
    shenitamo Posts: 147 Member
    Welcome! I too have bounced on and off here a few times, but once you get going and record what you are doing and read others' stories, it is difficult to not stay motivated. Feel free to add me as a friend and we can support each other! A recipe I LOVE to make that I thought of...mainly since I just bought some ground turkey to make it today is:

  • Hi Lisa! My name is Jodi and I too am brand new to this site. Just completed my second full day of completeing my food log. I have about 35 lbs. I want to lose. I don't know how much "knowledge" i can pass along, but i too, could use the support! This group is really supportive, so I would love to help support each other. This is definately an education for me, as I was always so thin and then bam..i hit my early fourties and the weight came with it. Everyone I know always tells me "you look great you are finally not a stick" but although I don't want to be a stick..i don't feel comfortable at the weight i am at! So I am motivated to do this as well! Good luck to you and I look forward to chatting with you. :bigsmile:
  • elledo
    elledo Posts: 80
    Im new on here too! Also a photog!
  • Smokey19
    Smokey19 Posts: 796 Member
    Welcome to mfp. It is great that you've gotten motivated. Stick to it. You can do it.