Looking for friends in same time zone (Pacific)

Hi. Is anyone else on the Pacific Coast? I'm in Canada on Vancouver Island and would love to make some friends with others in the same time zone. I think it would help motivate me to keep logging if I can see others' results at the same time of day. I had made some friends before but because they were hours ahead of me everyday, I missed out on their seeing my posts and vice versa--when it was relevant.

Please add me if you'd like! I'm a SAHM of 2 boys under 4 and am so ready to lose this baby weight (if I can call it that anymore!).


  • abaerny
    abaerny Posts: 10 Member
    I am in Seattle and would be happy to be friends. Adrienne
  • yogibella
    yogibella Posts: 321 Member
    I'm in the Lower Mainland! I kinda know about the time zone thing although I log on whenever I have the time, which can be odd hours....lol Sending you an add:)
  • ichorica
    ichorica Posts: 475 Member
    I'm in Southwest Washington! Add me if you'd like!