Bad Day

Well today was a bad day. I have been doing so good since i started. I work out at least 3 days a week and im started swimming a few times a week as well. But today was just a bad day. I over ate and i didnt excerise. But its back on the horse again tomorrow and back at it.

I just needed to get that out.


  • ren25
    ren25 Posts: 58
    Well today was a bad day. I have been doing so good since i started. I work out at least 3 days a week and im started swimming a few times a week as well. But today was just a bad day. I over ate and i didnt excerise. But its back on the horse again tomorrow and back at it.

    I just needed to get that out.
  • Kasey42588
    Don't be upset that you had a bad day, just have the attitude that tomorrow is a new day and you can just start over. Most likely, that one day will never really effect your progress unless you eat ALL day long, and by that I mean, literally.. all day.

    Good luck :)
  • littleluvbug
    littleluvbug Posts: 137 Member
    I had a bad day too...I'm with you, tomorrow is a new day. I'm so mad at myself, I was doing so great and just got lazy. I really feel terrible and remember how miserable I was before I started this process, I'm NOT going back! Tomorrow's a new day, and I'm ready for it!
  • ren25
    ren25 Posts: 58
    I was doing great this morning but then i went out for lunch with some co-workers and i ended up having a burger at red robins and fries. and then it was just down hill from there. But tomorrow is another day and its a good day to start again.
  • agapita1965
    agapita1965 Posts: 130
    We all have them sometime or other. You can't change what happened today but you CAN make tomorrow a Good day!!!! Remember, You have got a great start by losing 9 pounds, keep it up!!!!!!:drinker: Here's to pushing thru to the next pound that will put you at 10!!!!!!
  • highlighters
    Ren25 :happy: -- as someone else here said, one step at a time - but you have to give yourself a pat on the back for the exercising!!! Getting up and doing that is so HARD!!! :smile:
  • highlighters
    btw, agapita, I enjoyed your quotefrom Robert Shuller so much when I saw it the other day that I printed it out and taped it to my fridge for my kids and husband to enjoy and get inspired!!
  • highlighters
    btw, agapita, I enjoyed your quotefrom Robert Shuller so much when I saw it the other day that I printed it out and taped it to my fridge for my kids and husband to enjoy and get inspired!!
    MOMOFTWO29 Posts: 8,276 Member
    don't beat yourself up over it, just get back on it tomorrow.
  • watch48win
    watch48win Posts: 1,668 Member
    I was doing great this morning but then i went out for lunch with some co-workers and i ended up having a burger at red robins and fries. and then it was just down hill from there. But tomorrow is another day and its a good day to start again.

    That is a great mind set...tomorrow is a new day to start again....consider yesterday your "cheat"/ going over your calories day and start fresh tomorrow.

    We all have those days....I still have just can't make it an everyday thing! :laugh:

    Keep up the great work!
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