How to loose 1 pond a day



  • First off Im sure her 288 -180 in a week was a typo- she said she lost 8 lbs- no need to be rude...Hon, your first week is ALL water weight. on avrage people that are both eating healthy and working out will lose between 1-2 lbs per week. it takes 3,500 cals to make or lose a pound. so between eating healthy, not going over your daily cal intake and working out and buring aprox 3,500 cals you will be dropping about 1.5 lbs a week, GOOD LUCK!
  • Pebble321
    Pebble321 Posts: 6,423 Member
    Dear OP,
    Please set yourself some realistic and healthy goals and don't put so much pressure on yourself - this is a sure road to failure and giving up.
    As many people have already stated, 1 - 2 pound a weeks is much more realistic, achievable and sustainable for most people.
    Real life is not like the Biggest Loser!
    Good luck.
  • You lost water weight, unless you hacked off a limb. You should not lose more than 2 lbs. a week, and that's if you're PUSHING yourself to the limit. =(

    That weight you lost sounds a lot like water weight, and a high-sodium diet will make your body retain a lot of water. Keep the weight off with a healthy diet and exercise, watch the sodium.