Terrible week!!!!!!!!!



  • Hopingforchange
    I am going into PMS week, so I know I will struggle this week with sweets and salty carbs, but its ok!!

    As far as eating after 7, its a hard hard habit to break. I have found that it has gotten easier the longer I do it. It takes 6 weeks to form a habit and only 2 weeks to break one.
  • 99Tinkerbell
    Hang in there it's a hiccup in your journey... Now move on! You can do this!
  • eatingmysandshoe
    Just pick yourself up and keep going! Everyone has an off day/week/month or two, so you're not alone. Maybe post more about what it is in particular that you find hard, and we can support you with it - and next week when we've had a bad day you can support us back!
  • GaynorLee
    Help I have blown it again. I feel like giving up yet I know in my heart I know I can't. Not really sure if I will ever make this endeavor work.:brokenheart:
    Don't be so hard on yourself hunni...we all have those bad days and feel like throwing in the towel :frown: but just try and pick yourself up, give yourself a good talking to and take this one step at a time. Remind yourself why you're doing it...get that picture of the "new you" in your head...and embrace it :wink:
    It can seem SO overwhelming to see your target/goal weight from the bottom of the mountain...but just keep telling yourself you WILL get there..."Small steps..."
    Big (((HUGS)))
  • pupcamper
    pupcamper Posts: 415 Member
    Some people like to eat at night - save yourself some calories to have a snack at night! It may be the fact that you are feeling like you can't have one that is behind those bad choices!

    There is no harm in eating a big breakfast - you've got all day to work it off!!

    Don't be so hard on yourself, this is supposed to be a healthy lifestyle not a starve myself and hope I get thin plan! Some weeks are not going to be as good as others, take it one day at a time and do the best you can that day! Good luck!
  • BioShocked89
    BioShocked89 Posts: 330 Member
    I have had a rough last few days myself. One day I was probably double in my calorie intake with no exercise, another day I was still over -maybe 1000 over, and then yesterday I know I had to be more than double. I haven't felt like exercising because I've been so tired. (My three month old is already beginning to start teething and we just figured that out yesterday).

    Mostly my problem isn't what I eat, so much as HOW MUCH I eat. For some reason, I woke up one morning extremely hungry, and that sent me down this dark path. :(

    But we both have to get back on the horse, and what better day than today to do that?