Exercise after eating?

Is there a time limit that you should wait before exercising after eating? For example, this evening we are all late, I worked out this afternoon but would like to go for a brisk walk on the treadmill before bed. I just ate dinner about 1/2 hour ago - pork chop, roasted cauliflower and citrus salad. Do I need to give it time to digest before taking a walk?



  • I usually wait an hour after eating before working out.
  • Usually 45-60 minutes after eating is a good amount of time to wait. If you were really full after the meal, maybe a little longer. Otherwise cramps or side stitches could hit, and that's not fun.
  • rhce40
    rhce40 Posts: 201 Member
    i feel like crap if i wait anything less than an hour

    but just for a walk you should be fine, nothing to vigorous is ok!
  • Hayesgang
    Hayesgang Posts: 624
    This just happen to me today.

    Normally my last meal before my workout is 2 hours and that's usually fruit or a yogurt, but today I got home ate my lunch, and about 30 minutes later decided to get on the treadmill for a 30 minute jog - I won't do it again!! I only could do 20 minutes and it turned into a fast walk, my lunch was grumbling in my tummy and it was uncomfortable.

    Your dinner looks a bit heavier then my lunch so I'd wait at least an hour or 1.5 hours, give the food time to start digesting.
  • shovav91
    shovav91 Posts: 2,335 Member
    I generally wait at least a half hour depending on how much I ate, otherwise I tend to feel sick. There is no "set time" to wait, you just have to experiment and get to know your body :D
  • Thanks guys. I remember (and not too fondly) gym class after lunch and the stitches in my side when we would do the five minute mile.