Mama always said,



  • ImHoRnY6969
    What kind of sick person puts a green Kotex tampon in the veggie plate. I picked up said tampon thinking it was celery, only to be alarmed when this plastic wrap entered my mouth. I was appalled. If you agree, call my number 908 894 9202
  • chameleon73
    chameleon73 Posts: 119 Member
    actually though great whites dont exist in freshwater, bull sharks are known to go up the estuaries into brackish and freshwater parts of rivers and bite lakes though :)

    Uh...yeah.... I don't swim in those, either. If its not clear as glass and I can't see the bottom, forget it. I'm staying' on shore, or in the boat. No swimming.
  • Pebble321
    Pebble321 Posts: 6,554 Member
    My mom told me to turn off all of the lights/tvs before I leave the house or I would catch the house on fire... she would also say this about blowdryers or straighteners being plugged in even if they are turned off. Now I catch myself saying the same thing to my sisters. lol

    My mom would say that too! My mom was paranoid about everything so she had some great ones.

    She told me one time when I had pneumonia that "people die from pneumonia all the time." I was 7. :noway:

    She told me that green beans would put color in your cheeks. I automatically thought this meant a pretty rosy red color but I guess it was a joke and she meant green. I didn't get it for many years and still don't think it's funny.

    I also got the "plants will grow in your stomach if you eat the seeds."

    She told me to never buy red underwear because it's only for *kitten*.

    I think the worst one was that she convinced my brother, my sister, and I that if we peed in a pool it would turn orange and everyone would know who did it. I was about 19 when I confronted her about this and she told me it was a lie. Later I found out the chemical does exist.

    My husband told me that when he was a boy (in Colombia) everyone had to swallow a tablet before swimming in the public pool so they could see if anyone peed in there!
  • becoming_a_new_me
    becoming_a_new_me Posts: 1,860 Member
    My mom always warned me to wear clean underwear just in case I was in an accident. Logically thinking though, if you were in an accident serious enough that the Dr. needed to see your underpants, wouldn't you have crapped them? I think of these things late at night when I can't sleep.....:drinker:
  • _Kate_P
    _Kate_P Posts: 132
    My family would tease me all the time telling me that there's a certain hair on hour head attached to all the others and if that one comes out all of your hair falls out. It still freaks me out a bit whenever hair falls out. They also told me that if I bent my wrist back, the veins would pop out and break :noway: Being a gymnast, that scared the pants off me!
  • SongbirdTrisha
    SongbirdTrisha Posts: 28 Member
    My mom said pull out a silver hair, seven would take its place; I pulled one out to see what would happen and at 16 I started getting my first silvers. She also said ' I once complained I had no shoes, until I saw a man with no feet". That one touched something deep inside me, and i try to be grateful every day for the day, my life, my family.
  • frankie2637
    frankie2637 Posts: 66 Member
    My mum always drummed into us as children, dont forget your manners, please, thank you, sorry and excuse me.
    I now drum this into my children. Good manners cost nothing and go along way.
  • nikki91950
    My mom always warned me to wear clean underwear just in case I was in an accident. Logically thinking though, if you were in an accident serious enough that the Dr. needed to see your underpants, wouldn't you have crapped them? I think of these things late at night when I can't sleep.....:drinker:

    my mom always told me the same thing! i was in a car accident a few months ago and while i was sitting in the ER, that was one of the first things that went through my mind.