New and looking for friends to help me lose 50 pounds.

Hey, I am Alyssa and I am looking for friends to help keep me motivated. I am wanted to lose 50 pounds by June but really I just want to get healthy. I am looking for people that will help me stay on track with eating right and all the good stuff.


  • NianMaya
    NianMaya Posts: 108
    Welcome to MF Pal... it can help you change your life. The friends you make, can motivate and support you on this journey. Welcome again~
  • astaples92
    astaples92 Posts: 10 Member
    Thanks that would be so amazing. I love working out... once I am already doing it. My biggest problem is getting my butt up and actually working out.
  • I have the SAME problem haha Once I get going, all I want to do all day is exercise - the problem is getting going in the first place. yay mutual support! :)
  • astaples92
    astaples92 Posts: 10 Member
    Well then we are on the same boat. :) I went rock climbing today and it was a blast. However, I probably wont be able to move my arms by tomorrow.
  • lisa28115
    lisa28115 Posts: 17,271 Member
    i have a hard time getting my butt up to exercise also:bigsmile:
  • Ronny46
    Ronny46 Posts: 23
    Hey there Alyssa, I have the same goal to lose 50 pounds and being here on MFP its been great. The support here is excellent and Im getting there slowly but surely. with hard work and dedication you can do it. Welcome aboard!!!!
  • Welcome! I have similar goals so it would be great to add you& help with motivation and support!!
    PARADIE45 Posts: 3 Member
    Hello - You have been so successful with having lost 54 pound already! Way to go!
    How long did it take you and what do you think helped you most?
  • SexyJaye
    SexyJaye Posts: 102 Member
    Feel free to add me! We can help motivate each other! :)
  • Hello there! I am new as well and have set a 50 lb loss goal as well. :) I'm looking for friends and motivators to help me through it. I'd love some support and to be supportive to others!! Nice to meet you and good luck!
    <3 danyale