Breathing & Running

I am needing some advice on breathing while running. I am just finishing week 2 of the C25K, and I noticed today that I am having trouble catching my breath while running. I slowed down and I have tried to count or concentrate on the in and out. I feel fine running, it's just the breathing! My legs are good, which surprises me!! Any helpful tips. I don't think this is asthma, or anything like that. Thanks!


  • Its all about timing and deep controlled breaths. Its also about feeling comfortable, you usually find your own breathing patterns. When I run, I breath in through my nose whilst taking 2 strides (right foot, left foot) then breath out on the next 2 strides (right foot, left foot) Its really like 2 breaths and 2 out because of the motion of my feet hitting the ground, but it becomes a rythm, and i think thats whats important, try and control your breathing and dont try to run to fast. Start slow and build up, your breathing will improve with your fitness. Eventually you will be able to run and hold a conversation!!! But for now give it a go and good luck, YOU CAN DO IT!!!
  • Bekzness
    Bekzness Posts: 122
    I still struggle with my breathing now and I completed the C25K just before Christmas :) I really have to concentrate otherwise I find myself suddenly out of breath.

    What I found does help though is to make sure I am relaxed, mainly in my shoulders and chest when running as being tense for me makes it harder to regulate my breathing.

    My boyfriend gave me a tip that also works pretty good, which is to do a big sigh followed by a nice slow and deep breath to kind of 'reset' your breathing if you find yourself breathing too fast or getting out of breath.

    I personally need to breathe in for 4 steps then out for 4 steps at my current pace of 5.5mph, but everyone is different so maybe try different lengths between breaths until you find what suits you best. I hear some people like to breath much much faster too.
  • scottb81
    scottb81 Posts: 2,538 Member
    Make sure you breathe deeply. If your chest expands with each breath then you are breathing shallowly nag not completely filling your lungs with air. You should breathe with your diaphragm an your stomach should expand with each breath. See .
  • bert16
    bert16 Posts: 726 Member
    In addition to the advice about consciously breathing deeply, you should also ensure you're well hydrated before you head out (and that doesn't mean drink a tall glass of water 30 minutes before you head out - it means be truly welll hydrated). I'm a runner myself and you'd be astounded how much difference hydration makes to the overall quality of your run, including your heart rate / breathing.

    Happy running!
  • therealangd
    therealangd Posts: 1,861 Member
    I do 2 step in breath and 2 step out as well. And it's very pronounced deep breathing. It's become such a habit that I do that with walking as well. I get funny looks walking down the hallway at work.
  • driaxx
    driaxx Posts: 314 Member
    This is what helped me.. my soccer coach taught us to breath really deeply through our nose and then through our mouth while running.

    I don't know why or how this works for me but ever since I started, I can run for so much longer without loosing my breath.
  • Fit4_Life
    Fit4_Life Posts: 828 Member
    I'm not an experienced runner, but when I want to get up and run, I tend to tense up my shoulders and it makes it hard for me to breath. I am now concentrating to relax my shoulders and breath so much better. Hope this helps. :-)
  • vim_n_vigor
    vim_n_vigor Posts: 4,089 Member
    I always used to say my multiplication tables to myself or sang Joy to the World - Three Dog Night while I ran. I also pretended I was grabbing at ropes along the track with my arms - keeping the arms straight out and reaching forward helps you to get a better stride and makes it easier to breathe.
  • There is no science to breathing, it is natural thing you do all day, when you exercise you will do it faster.

    If you start concentrating or watching your breathing you will do it wrong, let it be natural.

    People say do deep breaths, breathe through nose and out of mouth, this that and the other.

    Running is one foot in front of the other but faster than when you walk, breathing is breathing, slow or faster.

    People talk about perfect running form, complete crap IMO, you run however feels natural and doesnt cause pain or discomfort, same for breathing, dont try to breathe, just breathe, dont try to run, just run

    Try to stop noticing your breathing and let yourself just do it, it is probably the most basic thing your body can do and does naturally all day and everyday of your life.

  • Bekzness
    Bekzness Posts: 122
    There is no science to breathing, it is natural thing you do all day, when you exercise you will do it faster.

    If you start concentrating or watching your breathing you will do it wrong, let it be natural.

    People say do deep breaths, breathe through nose and out of mouth, this that and the other.

    Running is one foot in front of the other but faster than when you walk, breathing is breathing, slow or faster.

    People talk about perfect running form, complete crap IMO, you run however feels natural and doesnt cause pain or discomfort, same for breathing, dont try to breathe, just breathe, dont try to run, just run

    Try to stop noticing your breathing and let yourself just do it, it is probably the most basic thing your body can do and does naturally all day and everyday of your life.


    When I first read this I thought... "that just doesn't work for me..."

    Well.... I have just got back from my run tonight and thought, sod it... don't think about breathing.. just run.. breath when I need to and just ensure that I feel comfortable and keep my shoulders relaxed.


    So... maybe I have been over thinking and over stressing about my breathing technique.

    If i felt like I was getting a bit tired.. I slowed down a notch... when I felt like I could give more... I did just that... try it out :D

    Cheers Judgejava... lol :)
  • brandyk77
    brandyk77 Posts: 605 Member
    Slow down even more. Unless you have asthma or something, you are most likely running too fast for your fitness level. It'll come, albeit slower than most of us like.

    There isn't any magic way to breathe while running. Just breathe as you normally do.
  • Osu2k1
    Osu2k1 Posts: 116 Member
    There is no science to breathing, it is natural thing you do all day, when you exercise you will do it faster.

    If you start concentrating or watching your breathing you will do it wrong, let it be natural.

    People say do deep breaths, breathe through nose and out of mouth, this that and the other.

    Running is one foot in front of the other but faster than when you walk, breathing is breathing, slow or faster.

    People talk about perfect running form, complete crap IMO, you run however feels natural and doesnt cause pain or discomfort, same for breathing, dont try to breathe, just breathe, dont try to run, just run

    Try to stop noticing your breathing and let yourself just do it, it is probably the most basic thing your body can do and does naturally all day and everyday of your life.


    When I first read this I thought... "that just doesn't work for me..."

    Well.... I have just got back from my run tonight and thought, sod it... don't think about breathing.. just run.. breath when I need to and just ensure that I feel comfortable and keep my shoulders relaxed.


    So... maybe I have been over thinking and over stressing about my breathing technique.

    If i felt like I was getting a bit tired.. I slowed down a notch... when I felt like I could give more... I did just that... try it out :D

    Cheers Judgejava... lol :)
    Thank you!!! I am starting week 3 tomorrow and I have read all your comments! I will do my best to work some of these tips into the intervals.
  • zoom2
    zoom2 Posts: 934 Member
    Slow down even more. Unless you have asthma or something, you are most likely running too fast for your fitness level. It'll come, albeit slower than most of us like.

    There isn't any magic way to breathe while running. Just breathe as you normally do.

  • There is no science to breathing, it is natural thing you do all day, when you exercise you will do it faster.

    If you start concentrating or watching your breathing you will do it wrong, let it be natural.

    People say do deep breaths, breathe through nose and out of mouth, this that and the other.

    Running is one foot in front of the other but faster than when you walk, breathing is breathing, slow or faster.

    People talk about perfect running form, complete crap IMO, you run however feels natural and doesnt cause pain or discomfort, same for breathing, dont try to breathe, just breathe, dont try to run, just run

    Try to stop noticing your breathing and let yourself just do it, it is probably the most basic thing your body can do and does naturally all day and everyday of your life.


    When I first read this I thought... "that just doesn't work for me..."

    Well.... I have just got back from my run tonight and thought, sod it... don't think about breathing.. just run.. breath when I need to and just ensure that I feel comfortable and keep my shoulders relaxed.


    So... maybe I have been over thinking and over stressing about my breathing technique.

    If i felt like I was getting a bit tired.. I slowed down a notch... when I felt like I could give more... I did just that... try it out :D

    Cheers Judgejava... lol :)

    You are welcome.

    I am an ex-PTI (physical training instructor) from the military but i never got these concepts even then, when i left i did many things, one of them was take up Ultrarunning (anything longer than a marathon). When i did i battled with researching the perfect way to run, the perfect form, breathing, shoulder movement etc etc.

    I met Dean Karnazes (a famous ultrarunner) one day and i asked him, to check my form and give me some tips, his tip was simple "what do you mean check your form ? Just run"

    And that was so true, we put so much time these days into the science of everything which of course is very valid in alot of things and i use it endlessly, but some things just dont need to be analysed.

    Sure we all have different running styles, gaits etc but the fact is to run we just put one foot in front of another and do it faster than walking.

    Breathing is the same, there is many topics on the subject everywhere on how to breathe when exercising, how to exercise, how to run etc etc. The fact is the correct or perfect form is the natural way for you.

    When we stop thinking about how to run, how to breathe we just do it !

    Remember as a kid when you just ran everywhere, did you check your form ? no you just rana dn enver noticed, you were lost in the moment of the running, being free, being alive, flailing arms, bandy legs whatever, JUST RUN AND BREATHE.
