Day off?

Hey All!

How many of us take a day off from exercise during your week? Not a completely lazy day, but just a day where you don't hit the gym or throw on a workout video... Not getting some sort of additional calorie burn every single day can be scary, but I know my body craves at least a day without a crazy workout to repair.

Thoughts on how it helps progress/happiness? I know everyone is different, but any thoughts or experience of trial and error?



  • gtiberi
    gtiberi Posts: 3 Member
    I find myself craving to exersize. Today I made a eat freely day and well I had gone over on my calories so much it was insane. When I had gotten home from an outing I was determined to burn off some or most the the calories I had gone over on. So I went on a bike ride and it felt so good after. Even though I thought to myself I was prolly not going to exersize on sunday being the day of rest I could not NOT exersize. :love:
  • Beezil
    Beezil Posts: 1,677 Member
    Gotta have my rest day once a week or I'd just eventually break down and get sick. It's happened before. :ohwell:
  • swimmchick87
    swimmchick87 Posts: 458 Member
    I always take a day off. Your body needs to rest.
  • chelseaalicia
    chelseaalicia Posts: 164 Member
    I find by the time I get to 8,9,10 days in a row with a workout, I am at the point where a day of not working out will make me do all the exercises I want to do the next day only better and harder and stronger. I find I crave exercise too- definitely start to miss it after a day!
  • Pebble321
    Pebble321 Posts: 6,554 Member
    I usually have a rest day once a week. The other days are usually running (four days), strength training (1 or 2 days) and walking (1 or 2 days).
    The last week has been HARD because I've injured my hip so I'm banned from running for now - its hard because I miss the endorphins as well as the extra cals!
  • missfluffyuk
    Since I'm just starting to exercise, I'm planning on going every day for a month to help build the habit. But I'll definitely have days where I work harder and days where I take it easy.

    Eventually, if my work roster stays the same, I'll probably make Saturdays my "day off" -- because it's the day of my longest shift (7 hours) and that's a fair bit of exercise in itself.
  • chelseaalicia
    chelseaalicia Posts: 164 Member
    That's the one tough thing about taking a rest day... I find if I have been eating most or all of my exercise calories for a few days, my body almost "expects" more than my daily allowance.
  • Jessica_Sarah
    Because I have a daughter that I need to take care of, I find that I can only get to the gym 3 times a week, though I crave to go almost every day. On those days I usually do some form of exercise, like a 30 minute walk, or the wii fit. I usually have one to two days a week with zero exercise but I wish I could do more!