From Oregon

New here and new to online weight loss and weight loss forums. Like the options that this site gave, so I am jumping in with both feet and four paws.

Hoping to loose 50 pounds by July 1st, then peel the rest off by December 1st. I am in Search & Rescue. Active, but need to be more active. Need to watch my food choices. I dumped Soda about 2 years ago (got rid of the restless leg syndrome when i stopped drinking soda). Addicted to sweets. Serious knee issues (no cartilage left on medial sides) and looking at knee replacements. Sigh!

So, the weight has got to come off! As I said, I'm in SAR. I handle an airscent/cadaver search dog with the local Sheriff Search & Rescue group. All volunteer. I love every minute of it, but I get winded, can't keep up with my dog, and take 2 days to recover after a misson/search. Need to change that.

Looking for friends to help along the way. Motivate, encourage, kick my #$% if needed. I'm ready for a new me!


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