


  • Marla64
    Marla64 Posts: 23,120 Member
    Everyday on my way to work there was this guy walking, and he was a large guy. He had his shorts on and his sweat band, same time everyday, no matter the weather. I was inspired by this guy. Then I moved, and I didn't see him for awhile, and I saw him recently, and he was half the size he was before. I was proud of him. I don't know that I could do something like that. Not everyone is judging you, and no one judges you like you do yourself. Somebody could see you walking, and you could inspire them. You could change somebody's life.

    That's such a wonderful tale-- reminds me of a man in my old neighborhood-- at first, when he decided to take his life back, the only thing he could do was walk to the end of his driveway and back. Before long, one day as I was running around my block, there he was at the corner, holding on to the traffic sign, tired and panting, but at the corner! I was so proud of him, just like you were-- maybe a year later he graduated to a bike, and he'd weave his bike back and forth up the hill from his development to mine-- and as you described was half the size.
  • MyaPapaya75
    MyaPapaya75 Posts: 3,143 Member
    So today is a beautiful day and I would love to go for a walk but can't seem to get myself up and out of the house. I've always been embarassed by my size and am worried about what other people think about me strolling around town. I know it shouldnt matter to me but its a demon Im having a hard time dealing with...
    I just started walking yesterday..I do it in the evening ...I used to struggle as well but then you start to realize are you going to let people you dont know and people you will never see again determine your success? In addition think about this how many people do you actually remember as you drive along the road ..more than likely none..you may glance but thats about it....wear headphones and as Jillian Michaels says "get in the zone" do what you gotta do.:drinker:
  • sassekel
    sassekel Posts: 114 Member
    I agree, you go for it! I am a walker and a big gal too. I used to keep by head down so I wouldn't see anyone looking, but no more. I look right at everyone and smile and say HI! now I see alot of the same people and they smile and say HI when they see me! especially the very fit people, I think most people are nice and glad to see you doing something great for your health.
    Be kind to yourself, your the only you there is and that matters!