Diet Pills



  • tennetubbie
    tennetubbie Posts: 312 Member
    As a health care provider I get asked for diet pills all the time---my first response is"If there was a diet pill that worked I'D be sitting here since spandex tights with a slit to the thigh" but there isn't one. I don't prescribe them. The other thing is that prescribing them would significantly increase my malpractice premiums and just not worth it! I have seen TWO women who had a heart attack within 2 weeks of starting them and one who had a psychotic break--she was taking Prozac, and added Fen Phen.

    I hope that I can convince more of my patients to use this site ---I am trying to lead by example, and after losing 30 pounds since January I am getting a lot of interest in how I am doing it. My answer is that we ALL know what we are supposed to do but DOING it is another story---but lifestyle change is the way to go---watching BL with a bowl of popcorn and a large Coke is NOT.

    Pills are tempting but just not worth the risk imo. So many women want to take that risk---they don't feel sexually attractive---marriage is on the rocks over weight arguments with spouse, fatigue, depression, sleep apnea---weight affects every aspect of your life. I do refer for gastric bypass for those who have so many health problems that they may not live to lose the weight--but the guy I refer to has a global approach,,, nutritional classes, support group, insists on physical exercise.

    One thing I don't like to hear is that some doctors refuse to do the surgery unless the patient loses 15 pounds. I understand that they are trying to get the lifestyle issue under control ---but some of these women get street diet pills to lose that 15 pounds in order to "qualify" for surgery---we live in a strange world. I mean I almost think it is blackmail--or paternalistic--saying in a way "SEE---you CAN do it if you stop eating" I don't know ---it just irks me!

    Created by - Free Food Diary
  • kerrilucko
    kerrilucko Posts: 3,852 Member


    Thank you for all your reply's it helped me with my decision on what was right for me to do..... I think the main reason why i get so drawn to those diet pills is that each one says get more energy and burn more fat!! and having three kids i need all the energy i can get... :) even if it's sugar in a pill lol just kidding.... I don't want a pill to melt off my weight just for it to come back and then some... so im following a 1200 calorie diet and running 3 miles a day plus weight training and i do take protein shakes cause with a busy life i don't always have time to eat... but your all right taking a pill isn't going to help me live a long healthy life style.

    In my opinion+ reading fitness magazines
    1200 is really low for anyone- You should be eating like 1400-1600- and just working out-

    that is still a deficit- you have to look at it this way- The reccomended diet for a female is 2000-2200 calories a day- Just subtract 500 from that and workout-

    I understand the whole needing energy thing completely- I have 2 kids a needy military husband and a fulltime job- but suprisingly my intense workouts make me have more energy the next day--You can do it-

    really? 2000-2200 seems high to me. I'm not skinny by any means but I am in the healthy range for my height and my maintenance calories right now are 1800. I'm not arguing that you read that, just saying, seems kinda high

    Most food packages (as I am sure you have noticed) say that they are based on an 'average diet of 2,000 calories a day'. So, it seems to be a common misconception that a 2,000 calorie a day diet is healthy. 2,000 may be a lot less than most fast-food-shoveling Americans eat, but for any woman trying to lose weight, 2,000 calories a day just is too high unless you are exercising a lot!

    I did 5 hours of walking exercise today and my recommended calorie intake is 1,900 for the whole day...and that's with a lot of exercise!

    Anyways, maybe we're getting off the topic of diet pills, so I will throw in my 2-cents about that: Don't do it! :bigsmile:

    I think the 2000-2200 was for maintaining weight not for losing it... I could be wrong but that's how I read it. I still think it's high though, not for everyone but for many. I guess when you add exercise in it might not be though. :huh:
  • mrsyac2
    mrsyac2 Posts: 2,784 Member


    Thank you for all your reply's it helped me with my decision on what was right for me to do..... I think the main reason why i get so drawn to those diet pills is that each one says get more energy and burn more fat!! and having three kids i need all the energy i can get... :) even if it's sugar in a pill lol just kidding.... I don't want a pill to melt off my weight just for it to come back and then some... so im following a 1200 calorie diet and running 3 miles a day plus weight training and i do take protein shakes cause with a busy life i don't always have time to eat... but your all right taking a pill isn't going to help me live a long healthy life style.

    In my opinion+ reading fitness magazines
    1200 is really low for anyone- You should be eating like 1400-1600- and just working out-

    that is still a deficit- you have to look at it this way- The reccomended diet for a female is 2000-2200 calories a day- Just subtract 500 from that and workout-

    I understand the whole needing energy thing completely- I have 2 kids a needy military husband and a fulltime job- but suprisingly my intense workouts make me have more energy the next day--You can do it-

    really? 2000-2200 seems high to me. I'm not skinny by any means but I am in the healthy range for my height and my maintenance calories right now are 1800. I'm not arguing that you read that, just saying, seems kinda high

    Most food packages (as I am sure you have noticed) say that they are based on an 'average diet of 2,000 calories a day'. So, it seems to be a common misconception that a 2,000 calorie a day diet is healthy. 2,000 may be a lot less than most fast-food-shoveling Americans eat, but for any woman trying to lose weight, 2,000 calories a day just is too high unless you are exercising a lot!

    I did 5 hours of walking exercise today and my recommended calorie intake is 1,900 for the whole day...and that's with a lot of exercise!

    Anyways, maybe we're getting off the topic of diet pills, so I will throw in my 2-cents about that: Don't do it! :bigsmile:

    I think the 2000-2200 was for maintaining weight not for losing it... I could be wrong but that's how I read it. I still think it's high though, not for everyone but for many. I guess when you add exercise in it might not be though. :huh:

    Well Most Americans eat Alot more than 2000 calories a day hense the obesity rate
  • Kasey42588
    Personally, I believe over the counter diet supplements/pills are dangerous to your health. My friend actually just bought some all-natural capsules and out of habit, I gave her the lecture. She said the salesman at GNC said there is nothing in there, it's all natural, yet my question is, how do you lose weight on it then??

    I just think there are more healthier, safer approaches to weight loss.
  • mrsyac2
    mrsyac2 Posts: 2,784 Member
    Personally, I believe over the counter diet supplements/pills are dangerous to your health. My friend actually just bought some all-natural capsules and out of habit, I gave her the lecture. She said the salesman at GNC said there is nothing in there, it's all natural, yet my question is, how do you lose weight on it then??

    I just think there are more healthier, safer approaches to weight loss.

    gnc is a crock- lol-- People get duped- if they talk to the wrong person- Yes GNC has good stuff that doesn't mean that they have the best stuff
  • kerrilucko
    kerrilucko Posts: 3,852 Member


    Thank you for all your reply's it helped me with my decision on what was right for me to do..... I think the main reason why i get so drawn to those diet pills is that each one says get more energy and burn more fat!! and having three kids i need all the energy i can get... :) even if it's sugar in a pill lol just kidding.... I don't want a pill to melt off my weight just for it to come back and then some... so im following a 1200 calorie diet and running 3 miles a day plus weight training and i do take protein shakes cause with a busy life i don't always have time to eat... but your all right taking a pill isn't going to help me live a long healthy life style.

    In my opinion+ reading fitness magazines
    1200 is really low for anyone- You should be eating like 1400-1600- and just working out-

    that is still a deficit- you have to look at it this way- The reccomended diet for a female is 2000-2200 calories a day- Just subtract 500 from that and workout-

    I understand the whole needing energy thing completely- I have 2 kids a needy military husband and a fulltime job- but suprisingly my intense workouts make me have more energy the next day--You can do it-

    really? 2000-2200 seems high to me. I'm not skinny by any means but I am in the healthy range for my height and my maintenance calories right now are 1800. I'm not arguing that you read that, just saying, seems kinda high

    Most food packages (as I am sure you have noticed) say that they are based on an 'average diet of 2,000 calories a day'. So, it seems to be a common misconception that a 2,000 calorie a day diet is healthy. 2,000 may be a lot less than most fast-food-shoveling Americans eat, but for any woman trying to lose weight, 2,000 calories a day just is too high unless you are exercising a lot!

    I did 5 hours of walking exercise today and my recommended calorie intake is 1,900 for the whole day...and that's with a lot of exercise!

    Anyways, maybe we're getting off the topic of diet pills, so I will throw in my 2-cents about that: Don't do it! :bigsmile:

    I think the 2000-2200 was for maintaining weight not for losing it... I could be wrong but that's how I read it. I still think it's high though, not for everyone but for many. I guess when you add exercise in it might not be though. :huh:

    Well Most Americans eat Alot more than 2000 calories a day hense the obesity rate

    I'm not arguing that. All I said was that I think for maintaining a healthy weight even 2000 calories is too high for most women.
  • SHBoss1673
    SHBoss1673 Posts: 7,161 Member
    Mind if I chime?

    1st to the original question, Yep, I'm on board with everyone else. Diet pills aren't a long term weight loss solution, and can be risky to boot.

    OK now to the Kerri/Mrsyac thing.

    2000 is just an average the industry uses, it's neither male nor female but a combination of both averaged out. If you look a lot of them also have a 2500 calorie section too. I guess that's them acknowledging that we are an obese society now.:tongue:

    women in the healthy range that aren't overly tall (under 5'8" or so) usually have a maintenance in the range of 1700 to 2200. But it all depends on your muscle to fat ratio and activity level (along with your genes and how hot your body runs). Now, that said, athletic people will need more, really skinny people will need less.

    As to the energy thing, you don't need pills for energy. Plenty of all natural vitamins and micro-nutrients out there that will give you everything that you find in those pills (except maybe caffine). Also, if you don't have the energy, make sure you're getting enough sleep 7 hours a night, minimum! You will find it very difficult to lose weight if you only sleep 5 hours a night, even if you follow this site to a T.

    does that cover it all?
  • Shannon023
    Shannon023 Posts: 14,529 Member
    Thank you for all your reply's it helped me with my decision on what was right for me to do..... I think the main reason why i get so drawn to those diet pills is that each one says get more energy and burn more fat!! and having three kids i need all the energy i can get... :) even if it's sugar in a pill lol just kidding.... I don't want a pill to melt off my weight just for it to come back and then some... so im following a 1200 calorie diet and running 3 miles a day plus weight training and i do take protein shakes cause with a busy life i don't always have time to eat... but your all right taking a pill isn't going to help me live a long healthy life style.

    I've tried them twice. Both times after a few days my heart would pound so hard I thought I was having a heart attack. :embarassed:

    Eating right & exercise is best. :flowerforyou:

    Good luck! :smile:
  • SHBoss1673
    SHBoss1673 Posts: 7,161 Member
    Thank you for all your reply's it helped me with my decision on what was right for me to do..... I think the main reason why i get so drawn to those diet pills is that each one says get more energy and burn more fat!! and having three kids i need all the energy i can get... :) even if it's sugar in a pill lol just kidding.... I don't want a pill to melt off my weight just for it to come back and then some... so im following a 1200 calorie diet and running 3 miles a day plus weight training and i do take protein shakes cause with a busy life i don't always have time to eat... but your all right taking a pill isn't going to help me live a long healthy life style.

    I've tried them twice. Both times after a few days my heart would pound so hard I thought I was having a heart attack. :embarassed:

    Eating right & exercise is best. :flowerforyou:

    Good luck! :smile:

    you forgot to add shannon that you were looking at my picture at the time. :wink:
  • Shannon023
    Shannon023 Posts: 14,529 Member
    Thank you for all your reply's it helped me with my decision on what was right for me to do..... I think the main reason why i get so drawn to those diet pills is that each one says get more energy and burn more fat!! and having three kids i need all the energy i can get... :) even if it's sugar in a pill lol just kidding.... I don't want a pill to melt off my weight just for it to come back and then some... so im following a 1200 calorie diet and running 3 miles a day plus weight training and i do take protein shakes cause with a busy life i don't always have time to eat... but your all right taking a pill isn't going to help me live a long healthy life style.

    I've tried them twice. Both times after a few days my heart would pound so hard I thought I was having a heart attack. :embarassed:

    Eating right & exercise is best. :flowerforyou:

    Good luck! :smile:

    you forgot to add shannon that you were looking at my picture at the time. :wink:

    (grabs nitroglycerin pills) You were saying????? :love: :love:
  • crystal_sapphire
    crystal_sapphire Posts: 1,205 Member
    Somebody on a Diet?

    Long Timers will tell you that this is a lifestyle change.

    Not to be negative, Good Luck!

    I hate how everyone has turned diet into this negative word.

    Fad diets are bad. Yes, we all know that. The way to go is to make substantial changes to your diet in order to live a healthy lifestyle.

    Diet simply means what you eat. As a future nurse, I ask people all the time "what is your typical diet consist of?" It's not a negative term and it should stop being used as negative term unless being referred to as fad diet such as cleanses, grapefruit diet, etc
  • Dave198lbs
    Dave198lbs Posts: 8,810 Member
    Somebody on a Diet?

    Long Timers will tell you that this is a lifestyle change.

    Not to be negative, Good Luck!

    I hate how everyone has turned diet into this negative word.

    Fad diets are bad. Yes, we all know that. The way to go is to make substantial changes to your diet in order to live a healthy lifestyle.

    Diet simply means what you eat. As a future nurse, I ask people all the time "what is your typical diet consist of?" It's not a negative term and it should stop being used as negative term unless being referred to as fad diet such as cleanses, grapefruit diet, etc

    all true...welcome to MFP...we can argue about duct tape if we have a mind to....its just that when we say diet, we are referring to a temporary fix not the lifestyle change most of us are seeking