
runningkaty Posts: 10 Member

Does anyone have any good tofu recipes??

Thanks in advance



  • Bentley2718
    Bentley2718 Posts: 1,689 Member
    -Broiled tofu, there are a ton of recipes online, but here is one of my favorites:

    -Tofu scramble, again, there are a lot of recipes online, pick one that looks appealing to you. I like scrambles made with silken tofu, and with the tofu pretty mashed up the best, but other people like larger chunks of firm tofu. Unless you already know, and like, nutritional yeast, you might want to avoid recipes that use a lot of it at the beginning, for a lot of people, it's an acquired taste.

    -Pan fried tofu, if you use a non-stick pan, and a very thin coating of oil (I use a misto) this isn't that unhealthy. I slice extra firm tofu into 1/4 - 1/2 inch thick slices. Then serve with some sort of sauce, like peanut sauce, or tossed in with stir fried veggies.

    - You can also just toss chunks of tofu in with stir fried veggies, although this may be more of an acquired taste.

    I can't wait to see what other people have!

    Also, I'm not sure if you've tried it, but tempeh is also very good.