Anybody more emotional after losing weight?

Yesterday I was waiting for my friend in a car park and I noticed a man drive in with who I presume to be his wife/partner. They both got out of the car, and started walking in opposite directions (her towards the shops and him towards the walking path). Within about a minute, the man returned to his car, and drove off. I didn’t think much of it, but he returned a few minutes later parked up again in the same place, and then started eating a McDonalds.

Anyway, my friend was running late, so I started doing some work while I was waiting, and the man was still in the car. My friend turned up 20 minutes later and the man had only left the car to put his rubbish in the bin. When we started walking we had to pass the man, who was now stood outside his car and his wife was there asking him how his walk was. He said it was really nice and she said she was really proud of him for starting to get healthy and trying to lose weight.

I felt really upset when we walked past. I don’t know if I was sad about the fact that he’d lied to her, or the fact that he felt that he needed to hide what he was eating.

I also felt like I wanted to go and speak to him, and tell him I knew what it’s like to lie about your eating, and give him MFP details. I obviously didn’t though, because it’s up to each individual what they want to do, but why did I feel so upset by it?

Is anybody else more emotional after starting to do something about getting healthy?


P.S I should add that I don't usually sit and watch people in the car park lol.


  • Carl01
    Carl01 Posts: 9,370 Member
    I am not sure weight loss is really a part of it,seeing a person deliberately deceive someone they are supposed to care about is going to spark an emotional reaction in anyone that is decent.
  • Carol_s
    Carol_s Posts: 73
    Yes, I think you're right. Maybe the fact that he was deceiving her about getting healthy hit me more because I'm going through it. :smile:
  • snookumss
    snookumss Posts: 1,451 Member
    You really are more emotional about it for two reasons. He lied... and its about something you have learned to care about and respect. Don't worry :) I'd be annoyed too.
  • debstanley4
    debstanley4 Posts: 208 Member
    He ate the food in the car? I myself would have been able to smell that as soon as we got in the car. Very sad story.:frown:
  • grobbygru
    grobbygru Posts: 295 Member
    Sounds like my dad!!! I have memories as a child of my mother nagging him and nagging him about his sneaky food - he had a massive stroke at 51 which rendered him disabled for the next 20 years of his life (I guess he may of been lucky???? - to live I mean) - so his lack of control killed him which is what will happen to this bloke I guess.
    I just shake my head at people like that - I guess because I am a 110% honest person and can't see the point of cheating and lying - because it's only themselves they are fooling in the end.