Confession Time - I blew it!

Well it was my 40th birthday weekend and I celebrated big time with friends & night out on town. I basically drank my calories on Saturday nite and topped the evening off with a drive-thru run as we were starving after a night out dancing. When I got on scale this morning - I was up 2lbs from Friday - which is what I had lost last week. So how do I recoup from that and hopefully lose at least 1 more lb this week so I can get back on track? Any suggestions?


  • mom1520
    mom1520 Posts: 73
    First of all, Happy 40th. Don't beat yourself up. A 40th birthday comes once in a lifetime. I'm glad you enjoyed it. Just get back on track today. Don't let one bad day turn into many. Some of the gain is likely water weight. Continue doing what you know works and the weight will come off. Don't be discouraged!
  • courtneyt77
    courtneyt77 Posts: 11 Member
    Happy 40th! Remember it's one day. Today you get back on track. Up your water to flush the salt out of your system. Exercise 15-20 minutes longer than you normally would have. Today is a new day!
  • CallmeSbo
    CallmeSbo Posts: 611 Member
    It was your birthday, that only comes once. Do not not be hard on yourself. Today is another day. Wipe that slate clean and start making better choices going forward. Whats done is DONE. Give yourself a week or so to lose that 2pounds and get back on track. Happy 40th! Dont even feel guilty about it.
  • Jljones2787
    Water, water, and more WATER. This happened to me at Christmas, except it was 2 days and 4 lbs. They came off after my 3rd day of drinking a looott of water and not being a glutton. I know it's startling and discouraging to see any kinds of weight gain, but most of it is water retention because of all the sodium in the food. So grab a 20 oz h20 bottle and chug, chug, chug! :)

    Sounds like you had an awesome time, tho! It's important to allow ourselves days to indulge. You'll be back on track in no time!
  • Chinook71
    Don't beat yourself need to live it up when you turn 40! From personal experience (I have gained and lost up to 5 lbs. in a day), it's probably water weight. Drink LOTS of water (until you feel like you are floating), and I'll bet that 2 lbs. miraculously dissapears! Good luck!