Getting back on track!

I was on MFP quite awhile ago. Then slacked off. I have about 20 or so pounds I want to loose.

My thing is I am trying to get pregnant, in fact, I recently was pregnant and miscarried at the end of October. It was a hard thing to go thru and I packed on 10 lbs, definitely an emotional eater here. I wasn't happy with where my body was when I got pregnant, and I'm tired of thinking "oh well, I'm trying to get pregnant.. I'll get in shape after the baby!"

I need to change my eating habits now and while I can work on dropping some of this weight, regardless of if I get pregnant this month or 5 months from now.

Anyways, just wanted to say hi! Would love some friends on here for accountability! ;)


  • cassiemarie1982
    I'm going to shamelessly bump this once, since it got buried pretty quick. Looking for some friends, add me! ;)