


  • ladybugpix
    ladybugpix Posts: 3 Member
    That's what I was going to ask. I use a slice, but probably should use more. I saw a suggestion for 1/2 a lemon.
  • pretty_ribbons
    pretty_ribbons Posts: 154 Member
    yesi drink a glass of lemon and water everyday :)
  • pretty_ribbons
    pretty_ribbons Posts: 154 Member
    That's what I was going to ask. I use a slice, but probably should use more. I saw a suggestion for 1/2 a lemon.

    i use half a lemon in about 250 ml of water
  • Jacinta130
    Wow, gonna definately give this a try, thanks for researching it : )
  • amoondaTHEmoose
    This may be a stupid question. How do you prepare the lemon water? Like how much lemon do you put in per cup of water. Do you heat the water first then add lemon or do you add lemon and then heat water? Thanks for the help.
  • lovelylovebug
    lovelylovebug Posts: 27 Member
    Is it just hot water or do you get the same benefits with cold water? I personally love cold lemon water...
  • sunanmoon75
    really great post, thank you!
  • Do you know what the difference is between drinking hot lemon water or cold lemon water (like fresh lemonade)?
  • pretty_ribbons
    pretty_ribbons Posts: 154 Member
    This may be a stupid question. How do you prepare the lemon water? Like how much lemon do you put in per cup of water. Do you heat the water first then add lemon or do you add lemon and then heat water? Thanks for the help.

    i boil the kettle, pour it in a cup then squeeze half a lemon in it et voila! :smile: :drinker:
  • beccadaniixox
    beccadaniixox Posts: 542 Member
  • mkam1980
    mkam1980 Posts: 142 Member
    Nice post- Does it have to be hot water?
  • sweetrice12
    sweetrice12 Posts: 101 Member
    thanks for posting this! I just started drinking hot lemon water every morning. The first time I heard of it was in the 17-day diet.
  • MercenaryNoetic26
    MercenaryNoetic26 Posts: 2,747 Member
    I'm putting lemons on my grocery list. Another food we take for granted. Thanks!
  • mrsmagoo06
    mrsmagoo06 Posts: 7 Member
    Thanks for this! I believe hot water aids in digestion - helps you to digest things quicker (I could be wrong though)...if you think about it it probably would be true, because it would open up the blood vessels in your stomach, just as if you were putting a warm pack on an injured muscle to allow for vasodilation to bring blood flow to the blood vessels in the muscle. Where as cold causes vasoconstriction, example: if you cut yourself or bruise yourself you ice it to stop the blood vessels from bleeding and they constrict.
  • Pifflesmom
    Pifflesmom Posts: 134 Member
    One of my MFP posted something about drinking hot lemon water. I researched ((some)) the benefits and wanted to share.

    When combined with hot water, lemons provide multiple health benefits. In order to gain the most benefit from lemons and hot water, you should take it twice daily -- preferably in the morning.

    Health Benefits…

    DIGESTIVE AID: One of the biggest benefits of lemons and hot water is that it serves as a digestive aid. Drinking lemons and hot water regularly helps to eliminate waste within the body. This reduces such ailments as constipation and diarrhea. Its cleansing purities also relieve indigestion. When lemon interacts with the digestive tract, it cleanses the system and allows food to digest properly.

    WEIGHT LOSS: Hot lemon water helps with digestion and assists with losing weight faster. By helping a body eliminate waste products easier, it cleanses the body and begins the weight loss process. It also flushes out the toxins, which aids weight loss. The processed foods do not come in their natural form. Instead they are created in factories. In order to begin weight loss, the body must first cleanse itself of the unnatural products. Once the cleansing has occurred, the body can lose fat.

    CREATING BEAUTIFUL SKIN: Drinking lemon water can improve the youthfulness and look of your skin. Lemon and hot water aid the anti-aging process and help clear wrinkles and blackheads from the skin. The vitamin C contained in the lemon rejuvenates the skin from within your body.
    ENERGIZING YOUR BODY: The energy a human receives from food comes from the atoms and molecules in your food. A reaction occurs when the positive charged ions from food enter the digestive tract and interact with the negative charged enzymes. Lemon is one of the few foods that contain more negative charged ions, providing your body with more energy when it enters the digestive tract.
    CONTROLS HIGH BLOOD PRESSURE: Lemon water works wonders for people having heart problem, owing to its high potassium content. It controls high blood pressure, dizziness, nausea as well as provides relaxation to mind and body. It also reduces mental stress and depression.
    ASSIST IN CURING RESPIRATORY DISORDERS: Lemon water assists in curing respiratory problems, along with breathing problems and revives a person suffering from asthma.

    -Lemons are antiseptic

    -Lemon water has excellent digestive properties and can ease heartburn, bloating and other digestion problems

    -Lemon water cleanses and stimulates the liver and kidneys

    -Lemon juice contains calcium, magnesium and potassium

    -Lemon juice has been known to relieve asthma

    -Lemon water (hot) offers relief from cold and flu symptoms while providing some much needed Vitamin C

    -Lemon juice is a great skin cleanser

    -Lemons help prevent the growth of pathogenic bacteria and the decomposition of tissue.

    Ha! I just made myself a cup of hot water with lemon because it's -40 outside with a wind chill and I'm freezing (and sick to death of coffee this morning)...your post couldn't have come at a better time! Thanks!
  • czechsmate
    czechsmate Posts: 556 Member
    I am going to have to try the hot water and lemons....I put lemon and lime slices in my cold water everyday, we go through a ton of them each week!
  • alliesun53
    alliesun53 Posts: 160 Member
    I'm doing the 17 day diet and one of the tings you're supposed to do is first thing in the morning, drink a cup of hot water with 1/2 a lemon squeezed into it. And I have to say...this is the hardest part for me!!! I just can't get myself to down an entire glass of it. I dont know if its because I'm making the water TOO hot so I can just drink it all at once, or maybe its too sour...not sure, but any tips? Aside from adding sugar (no point then...). I'm going to try to use WARM water instead. I just couldn't stomach it...even the smell of it while drinking it made me a little nausous.