Calorie readouts on gym equipment

I just read that the estimated calories on most gym cardio equipment (mountain climber, elliptical, treadmill, etc.) provide an estimate of calories burned based on the average height-and weight-male. Does anyone know how to configure that number for a woman instead? I'm afraid I have been overestimating the amount I'm burning and want to get more accurate. I can't afford a body bugg or similar device right now, but I do want to be as accurate as possible. Thanks for your help!


  • ludogx87
    ludogx87 Posts: 286 Member
    depends on the type of equiptment, on smart tech machines you can put in your sex, height weight etc so they are more accurate, or speak to a trainer at the gym you use and they will be able to advise, but remember its always going to be an estimate because they cant calculate your metabolsim, and also you burn extra calories up to 2 hours after your work out xx
  • kbanzhaf
    kbanzhaf Posts: 601 Member
    My treadmill indicates a higher calorie burn that what is here on MFP.....I use the MFP burn so that I am not overestimating my calories burned, as I sometimes wonder how close I am on estimating calories in some of the foods.
  • misskerouac
    misskerouac Posts: 2,242 Member
    It's always going to be an estimate unfortunately. I found that he treadmill & MFP (for walking/running) were underestimating my cals burned and the elliptical & MFP (for ellip.) were overestimating my cals burned.

    I ended up getting a HRM to be more accurate. I did find though that if I'm workin hard its generally about 10-11 calories per minute.( I'm 28, 5'7", 178lbs)
  • Thanks for everyone's help. I'll have to ask at the gym - the equipment at the one I go to doesn't specify gender though some of the machines do ask for weight. I was hoping to find some kind of a percentage or formula I could base it off of, but I do realize all of this is an estimate. Maybe a bodybugg is the way to go!!!
  • themedalist
    themedalist Posts: 3,217 Member
    You might be on the lookout for a slightly used HRM on Ebay or a similar site. My guess is many Resolutioners got them for Christmas presents or purchased them in early January and may be selling them come February.
  • I know the ellipticals at the gym I used would ask for weight and age, and if you wanted a calorie read out you had to use the built in heart rate monitor, so I feel that it is fairly accurate. The stationary bike in the gym at my apartment complex only asks for weight and age, and it's always lower than what mfp says so I use the lowest number just to be safe.