Can you loose weight while on Prednisone?



  • leannehotch1
    leannehotch1 Posts: 3 Member
    Hi. I have SLE. I have regular prednisolone. I am a nurse. I am losing weight steadily. Need to be pretty strict. Drink lots of water if hungry. Eat lots of veggies. Fruit etc. good luck
  • Hi there im 22 years old i have chronic asthma and have an oxygen tank and nebuliser at home i have been trying ever so hard dieting for 3 weeks at 1500 cal and not lost a lb so have now gone down to 1000cal a day.....heres the catch i have very severe astham and have nearly died numerous times and therfore take 80mg of prednisolone a day just to keep it at bay i am under a specialist regularly but its very disheartening that i cant excercise much but have been doing my diet religiously any ideas on what i can do as im going mad!
  • I have been on prednisone since my 30's. It started with Esinophilic (sp) pneumonia. Doctors have put me on pred off and on all that time. 37 years later I am a hot mess of auto immune diseases. Crohns, PSC Liver disease, COPD, and a diagnosis in Jan 2013 of myasthenia gravis. I am on a taper of 60 mg down to 20 mg. All the while triating on to Azathiopine to hopefully replace the pred in 4-5 months. In the mean time, while off the pred I had worked hard to lose weight and went down to 210 (6'1"). I ballooned to 236 as off this AM. Swollen feet and moon face.I can't exercise ... tough for an old former Marine. While losing weight I was able to maintain 1500 calories ... The CRAVING got to me 2000-2500 daily now. Tomorrow I go back to 1800 calories and then 1500 the following week ... all though willpower. Oh, and I am a Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma 6 year survivor as well. We old Marines are hard to kill ...
  • I have been on 20mg twice a day since June..... :( ..... I gained roughly 40 lbs in 2 months..... :( The "MOON FACE" is the " pits"..... I'm sorry, I don't want to sound "VAIN", because I'm not, or ever have been..... or at least I thought..... hmmm..... Well anyhow, nevertheless..... Pending SARCOIDOSIS diagnosis, that's what I've been taking it for..... lol, i knew it was going to BALOON me, I went from 195 to 232 in less than 2 months..... It's hard on my knees and joints, it's extremely hard to wqlk sometimes and get around ..... I tried to worm my way out of it by exclaiming to the Dr. that I was allergic to it!!!!! Go figure rightt? Like how many times have they heard that one????? :D Nevertheless, I'm still on it and the REMARKS and COMMENTS you RECIEVE are enough to make you go and take your own life if you did'nt have a strong mind..... I'm FAT and I know it..... I look in the MIRROR EVERYDAY. I miss "MY OLD SELF" EVERYDAY..... I'm going to try an old diet of mine that worked wonders for me..... Meats, fruits and vegetables..... and plenty of water. Mon - Fri, weekends (whatever you like). No food after 7pm, except meats , fruits or vegetables ( preferrably) as a snack. You can have cheese and any kind of condiments, meat snacks, jerky, pork rinds, hot sausage, pickled eggs, pickled pig feet, mixrd nuts, trail mix, pickles all as low carb snacks. It works, i lost 65lbs in less than a year, the first 45lbs in like 4-5 months. It takes will power but it can be done. Salads as much as possible, nothing white except cauliflower Mon- Fri..... Eat whatever you like on saturday try not to OVERDUE Sunday folks..... ENJOY, AND GOD BLESS!!!!!
  • lucan07
    lucan07 Posts: 509
    I was on Prednisone for two and a half years (bowel cancer, ulcerative colitis) and ballooned to 308lbs being unable to exercise because of major surgery. I talked my consultant into coming off it when I got steroid induced type 2 and eyesight problems, he switched me to mercaptopurine which is better for the weight problem but can have worst side effects. Following partial partially successful abdominal reconstructive surgery I am now able to exercise and although my diet is still limited I have managed to lose 81lbs so far, got rid of the type 2, but best of all I am now totally free of all medication.
  • sheilatush
    sheilatush Posts: 58 Member
    I have SLE (LUPUS) and been on prednisone full time 24 years...still taking it and since joining MFP in February..I have lost 40 pounds.
  • moodybap
    moodybap Posts: 1 Member
    I was on predisone for 4 weeks starting with a doseage of 40 mgs and tapered down each week. I was able to lose weight, but I exercised 5 days per week and cut out sugar and flour. I lost 13lbs. I did not give into the hunger pains, but instead drank plenty of water and adequate amounts of potassium.
  • Hi. I appreciate this site and everyone who has posted their story. I have an autoimmune disease of the eyes, called Birdshot Retinapathy. Eyes are fairly stable with daily Prednisone and an immunosuppressant called Cell cept. I have been on 80 mg of prednisone during flare ups, and lowest dose is 10 mg. Been on it for 10 years and have gained 50 lbs. I also am embarrassed by the moon face, weight gain and swelling....I don't even look like myself anymore. I am a vegetarian but I know I eat too many carbs. I just read through your stories and have gathered lots of tips.....need to increase my water drinking, potassium and decrease the carbs. Also with a busy career I am exhausted when I get home from work.....need to increase my work outs. I have lost weight over years.....up and down especially with the amount of prednisone I took. You do have a tendency to blame the prednisone for the weight gain.....and start to give up. I feel empowered to really try and lose some weight and be healthier. Menopausal women on prednisone have it even tougher! Ugh! Keep the advise coming!will also try taking it at night, but it may keep me awake.
  • broox80
    broox80 Posts: 1,195 Member
    Every few months i have asthma attacks which usually land me in the ER. Last may I was pregnant and had to be hospitalized for a week so they could monitor the baby. They said the prednisone would make him big. He ended up being almost 10 pounds. I gained 50 which was way too much since I weighed 200 when I got pregnant. Prednisone is awesome because it enables me to breathe but then I have to clean up the weight mess aftetwards. Why cant there be a pill that causes extreme sexiness!?
  • I can feel your frustration however you are way better off than you can imagine. I have just got through text a friend about losing the weight while on steroids. Actually I have an autoimmune disease also I have gain weight 60lbs and I have the moon face. I agree with most of the comments. I especially agree with God made us all different so everyone body react differently I have been on steroids for almost 2 years. I also agree with the nurse it is extremely hard and the guy whom said if you are losing weight get with your doctor. My doctors and my niece have said it is a lost cause for me because of the amount of fluid and inflammation retain in my body and the need for the steroids. I can only lose weight by getting off and then waiting until it is out of my system. I tried taking myself off and became extremely ill therefore I will not do that again until recommended by my doctor. I have had pneumonia 6 times while on the steroids therefore I am grateful to still be living. Nevertheless I will continue to pray exercise while I can and trust God for the rest. Remember the saying there is always someone worst off than you I am on oxygen 24 hours a day. I can relate but if you are on steroids just for 2 more months thank God and be blessed you only gain 10 pounds. I may be on it for life.
  • huv123
    huv123 Posts: 54 Member
    I personally gained 25 kilos in a few short weeks while on prednisolone but I was on very high doses for Crohn's disease for several months. The doctor did not prepare me for the side effects at all, and I was hyper-vigilant, hungry all the time and completely irrational. Because the weight gain happened so quickly, it all happened between visits to his office. But I blame my lack of awareness about the side effects - if I have to go on it again I will totally be more prepared, and be ready to speak up if I think it's affecting me.
  • ok my experience was my doctor had no clue what was wrong with me. It wound up being reoccurance of staph infections but the experience I had with prednisone was OH MY!!! I got the take for 7days....well all said and on 3day I was up to where I lost a total of 17lbs!! I have been to 5 different doctors and this med has this affect on me....the weight drops off and they cannot explain it. I am still going thru numerous tests for enough...bloating, intestinal aches, diarriah, constipation, allergies coming up all of sudden, etc. and still minimal staph infections now but this steriod med does not put weight on makes me lose the weight! I can be off it and then a few months later my top state doctor wanted to see if it could do the same thing or help another issue Well it did the same thing. The other thing is I DO NOT put the weight back on.....granted I've needed and wanted to loss my 60lbs I gained since my kids were born so it's coming off at least. The other issue they are watching is to make sure immune system is stable and that I don't have bouts again with anemia that use to haunt me growing up from the age of 4 to 15.
    If any one else has experienced this or if a doctor has recommended this as a way to lose weight I would so love to hear from you (because my doctors are freaking out!!).
  • therunner42
    therunner42 Posts: 1 Member
    Yes definitely just exercise eat healthy and there should be no problem. I have been on it for a month (for Bells palsy having 1 side of my face paralysed and gaining weight) and gained 5 pounds in the first week. It took two weeks tor reverse it but it did reverse....good luck:smile:
  • Hi. I have SLE. I have regular prednisolone. I am a nurse. I am losing weight steadily. Need to be pretty strict. Drink lots of water if hungry. Eat lots of veggies. Fruit etc. good luck
    Asthmatic here using Prednisone for ocassional control.
    I'm going to try your method for controlling the inevitable weight gain.

    I, however, did experience the weird fat increases and distributions some years ago: One day (after too many prescribed regimens of Prednisone, my allergy doctor never discussed these side-effects) I was getting dressed one day and my skirts and pants no longer fit; my thighs were so bulgy and weird that I nearly fainted in surprise!!
    So, this time, let's see what happens with increased exercise and cleaner eating and far less salt.
    Be well.
  • I deal with this same problem and find that after two years of dealing with a chronic condition the best thing to do is watch what you eat. Protein mixed with water or un-sweetened almond milk, salads, raw vegetables, fish, skinless chicken breast, tofu. Things to avoid - bread, pasta, pizza (unless you run a lot). Pretty much anything that you crave or might consider comfort food avoid as you will over eat and often there are a lot of bad calories. If you have to eat bread or pasta - whole grains or oats are great to eat. but watch the carbs. I keep my load at 50/25/25 while training and off season I keep it at 50/30/20 (Protein/Carbs/Fat). While I no longer train for sports, I do train to stay in shape. With having developed this AI disease in my 40's and suffered for 2 years and putting on 60 lbs. for me to get into the gym. Currently I run 4-6 miles 5 times a week and weight lift at a high intensity as I used to when I was in my 20-30's. I go big but work high reps light weights as well. Working both strength and endurance for myself is important for it gives me muscle to burn calories while tying this and cardio to help raise my BMR (Base Metabolic Rate).

    Keep at it and don't give up. It can seem like an uphill fight - and it is - but it does not mean you have to give up. Get out, get involved, and follow some of the good advice of others that have posted. I especially like the suggestion of raw carrots and celery as these are great filler foods and don't pack a lot of calories and have some great nutritional value. Finally, record everything you eat - everything. Scan it using the app and be honest what a portion size is. Sometimes we like to lie to ourselves. ;)

    last thing I do to track exercise is a heart rate monitor that I sync with myfitness pal. A great t.ool that keeps the guess work out of calories burned and making certain my calorie count is negative.

    Good Luck!!

  • Fayve
    Fayve Posts: 406 Member
    Woo, lots of ulcurative colitis people, yay (sorta)! When I was taking 45mg/day, I found it almost impossible. I ballooned up at the start and was able to just about maintain (maybe 5lbs gain over the 3 months or so I was at full dose). I've been on prednisone 4 times for about 4-5 months at a time. It's -possible-, but I urge you to seek health before thinness. I had a lot of late nights crying about how heavy I felt, how large my moonface was, and how hungry I still felt after eating constantly, and it did nothing for me in the end. When I was on prednisone, I had tons of energy though. I urge you to use that extra energy if you have it for exercise and wellness :) Good luck friend!
  • aspexil
    aspexil Posts: 2
    Get the book "Wheat Belly" I started a year ago eliminating wheat/grains and lost 14" off my waist. Go to if you can't afford to get the book start at While I'm still battling the appetite stimulation prednisone at least I'm not consuming bad carbs that spike blood sugar which is how we gain weight. Give it a try!
  • I've just started taking prednisone for a herniated disc and it's helped enormously with the previously agonizing pain. However I specifically asked my dr if weight gain was a common side effect and she said no so I'm a little peeved!

    So far, and I'm only two days in, my loss of appetite following my injury is still hanging around but I'm really concerned about weight gain after finding out the actual side effects! Especially because I'm not sure when I'll be able to go back to exercising again. If I manage to stick to a low calorie, low sodium diet it should be possible to not gain right? But I have no idea how badly the increased appetite is from personal experience yet! From other's experiences it seems very quite difficult on this med.
  • currently taking prednisone and other medications (i think like 23 total?) started working out and eating better starting jan 1st of 2014. iv already lost about 14 lbs. dont give up. you can do it if u have the will power. ;-D
  • hcrengle
    hcrengle Posts: 2
    I was on 20mgs a day prednisone for a decade and gained 40 kilos over that time. I lost 57 kilos in the tenth year, easily, 12 -15 kilos every 3 months. I just stopped eating meat, wheat/gluten, eggs, or dairy products and ate anything else I wanted. It worked.

    I've now been on prednisone for a total of 22 years. This year, Ive lost 35 kilos so far - current rate of loss 10 kilos in 7 weeks.

    It is very possible to diet effectively and lose weight on Prednisone. Restricting food group needs helped me because I didn't have to manage portions and could cope with the appetite spikes created by the medicine.