I am new to myfitnesspal and I just signed up



  • SMARTI9701
    Hey everybody, new here and looking for fitness freaks like me! Feel free to add me.
  • MJK895
    MJK895 Posts: 4
    I am new too, as of yesterday! I am on Optifast and have lost 25 - 30 lbs since early Oct. now after the holidays I want to be back full force - it is great to have a community to connect to!
  • petreebird
    petreebird Posts: 344 Member
    Welcome all! I've been on MFP for about 2 weeks so I'm still fairly new. You're all going to love it here!! Please feel free to add me so we can all support and encourage each other!!

  • zipnguyen
    zipnguyen Posts: 990 Member
    Everyone is right. The community is helpful and if anything else its funny to read the new updates from your friends as it is very humorous and encouraging. Feel free to add me. Here is my story: http://www.myfitnesspal.com/topics/show/403233-lost-96lbs-and-made-top-10-in-physique-contest
  • MamaChunk
    MamaChunk Posts: 46 Member
    I am new as well. As in day two new. I have never done this before and I welcome all the help I can get. I am going to visit friends in Florida in April, and would love to be a little less embarassed at the beach....
  • MJK895
    MJK895 Posts: 4
    It is fun to come home and log in and see all of these great recent responses!

    How was everyone's day?

    :smile: :smile:

    For me so far so good. I have stayed under my calories for the first 3 days of being back on track. I am doing Optifast modified fast so I get a little food - but I find that since going on this plan I am making better decisions about what to eat and I am eating a lot less when I do eat.
  • BiancaW18
    BiancaW18 Posts: 26 Member
    I am new here as well, I have been on Weight Watchers and it is great but I am needed to cut out due to financial obligations right now, but I dont want to gain all I have lost.....I have LOST 155Lbs with WW in 1 year.....but I just cant affort it right now...so I am need support on here....I still need to lose another 60 Lbs to be at goal.....I was shocked at the calories.....I was eating points...LOL I def should lose more with calorie counting....LOL please invite me....still learning the site and dont know how to invite yet....LOL

    My mother and I did Weight Watchers and we saw fabulous results..until we stopped attending meetings. I think that MFP will be extremely helpful!