Can you help me with a few questions

Hello MFP

I hope everyone is meeting their goals. I was wondering if someone can give me some pointers on a few food and exercise things

1st. i am getting bored with my lunches that I bring to work and I was trying to find different alternatives to foods that I didn't have to worry about keeping cold so much because I'm in my car a lot. anywho I have recently discovered that I like peanut butter. but I'm unsure how bad it is for my waistline. I was thinking a peanut butter sandwich on wheat bread with carrots. Possibly 1 slice of bread folded what do you guys think?

2nd. I ran into an old friend who has lost a lot of weight, she told me that protein played a big role in her weight loss. So I have plans on buying protein powder and protein bars but can anyone give me a great brand because I have tried powder before in water and it was disgusting and protein bars taste like chalk. and where you purchase them. AND HOW MUCH PROTEIN DO I NEED A DAY?

3rd. I have gotten bored with my workout and workout DVDs I ahve done Billy and Biggest Loser so much thatI'm bored. The fun is gone. They still work and I still struggle with them but I'm bored. So I was wondering if anyone had any suggestions on a full body workout DVD that kicks your butt but is fun and doesn't cost a whole lot of money.

4th and FINAL THANK YOU FOR READING can anyone give me some free weight ideas to wrk by upper and lower back and legs

thank you so much for reading and responding


  • tjones7
    tjones7 Posts: 306
    Hello MFP

    I hope everyone is meeting their goals. I was wondering if someone can give me some pointers on a few food and exercise things

    1st. i am getting bored with my lunches that I bring to work and I was trying to find different alternatives to foods that I didn't have to worry about keeping cold so much because I'm in my car a lot. anywho I have recently discovered that I like peanut butter. but I'm unsure how bad it is for my waistline. I was thinking a peanut butter sandwich on wheat bread with carrots. Possibly 1 slice of bread folded what do you guys think?

    2nd. I ran into an old friend who has lost a lot of weight, she told me that protein played a big role in her weight loss. So I have plans on buying protein powder and protein bars but can anyone give me a great brand because I have tried powder before in water and it was disgusting and protein bars taste like chalk. and where you purchase them. AND HOW MUCH PROTEIN DO I NEED A DAY?

    3rd. I have gotten bored with my workout and workout DVDs I ahve done Billy and Biggest Loser so much thatI'm bored. The fun is gone. They still work and I still struggle with them but I'm bored. So I was wondering if anyone had any suggestions on a full body workout DVD that kicks your butt but is fun and doesn't cost a whole lot of money.

    4th and FINAL THANK YOU FOR READING can anyone give me some free weight ideas to wrk by upper and lower back and legs

    thank you so much for reading and responding
  • Georg
    Georg Posts: 1,728 Member
    Good for you! Looking for ideas before you lose your momentum!
    Check the label or the food database here for the kind of bread you use, plus the peanut butter & you'll see how your sandwich can fit into your weight loss journey.
    Add some veggies - maybe carrot & celery sticks-I love cucumbers & red peppers, too.
    Cheese sticks add some serious protein into your diest, as well as raw almonds or other lower fat nuts.
    I like getting out & walking really as fast as I can. That's my fav exercise, right after recumbent biking.
    Good luck to you!
  • MyaPapaya75
    MyaPapaya75 Posts: 3,143 Member
    Hello MFP

    I hope everyone is meeting their goals. I was wondering if someone can give me some pointers on a few food and exercise things

    1st. i am getting bored with my lunches that I bring to work and I was trying to find different alternatives to foods that I didn't have to worry about keeping cold so much because I'm in my car a lot. anywho I have recently discovered that I like peanut butter. but I'm unsure how bad it is for my waistline. I was thinking a peanut butter sandwich on wheat bread with carrots. Possibly 1 slice of bread folded what do you guys think? ***why not have a teaspoon or so of PB with your lunch or eaven peanuts..we often relate PB to eating with bread but truth is you can use it as dip for celery and omit the bread all together

    2nd. I ran into an old friend who has lost a lot of weight, she told me that protein played a big role in her weight loss. So I have plans on buying protein powder and protein bars but can anyone give me a great brand because I have tried powder before in water and it was disgusting and protein bars taste like chalk. and where you purchase them. AND HOW MUCH PROTEIN DO I NEED A DAY? **research your protein needs and consult your Doc**

    3rd. I have gotten bored with my workout and workout DVDs I ahve done Billy and Biggest Loser so much thatI'm bored. The fun is gone. They still work and I still struggle with them but I'm bored. So I was wondering if anyone had any suggestions on a full body workout DVD that kicks your butt but is fun and doesn't cost a whole lot of money. **walking outside**

    4th and FINAL THANK YOU FOR READING can anyone give me some free weight ideas to wrk by upper and lower back and legs **squats and lunges work great**

    thank you so much for reading and responding
  • ivykivy
    ivykivy Posts: 2,970 Member
    It's anywhere from 1.2-1.7g per kg of body weight according to the American College of Sports Medicine. To find your weight in kg, divide the lbs by 2.2. (from post by Songbyrdsweet). Also quality protein powder can be expensive and it may be better budget wise to stick to the real thing. You might check with the clean eaters and ask them about a quality protein powder. Also incorporating beans into your diet will boost protein some.

    I use Leslie Sansone Walk Away The Pounds. It is as easy or hard as you want it to be. I got it for $5 at Kmart. Also check ebay for good deals. You can try the couch to 5k program or incorporate jogging and sprints into your walking programs. Also check your local library for exercise DVDs as well as goodwill, habitat for humanity restores, salvation army etc. Also there is a website call freecycle that you can join and post your 'requests'

    For Weight training try and Also there are instructional guides on youtube to help.

    Hope this helps some
  • shay12
    shay12 Posts: 20
    Hi tjones

    I have been using the Firm (workout dvd) for the last month and it really kicks your butt. It focuses on cardio and light strength training, for which I use a set of 5lb weights. The dvd is 40 minutes long and to be honest with you I have yet to complete it because after about 25 minutes of it i'm basically out of breath (which I like).

    I also love peanut butter but I try to limit myself because 1 tbs is worth about 80 cals, so be careful

    As far as the protein powder go I really don't know that much about it but the fact that it's sold at most gyms and your friend who lost a lot of weight she more than likely cut out most or all white breads, flour, sugar, and pasta. I did that a couple of years ago and although I did shed some pounds I was never fully satisfied after I finished a meal so this time I plan on adding whole wheat to my diet plan.

    Anyway, hope I helped a little good luck and remember stick with it.
  • MacMadame
    MacMadame Posts: 1,893 Member
    I think that regular peanut butter is too high in fat to work as anything but an occasional treat. YMMV. There is something called PB2 by Bell Plantation that is powder PB with about 85% less fat. You add water to it to turn it back into PB. If you are really keen on PB, that may work as may some of the low fat options.

    For protein, my program recommends 70-90 g a day for most people as a starting point. I've looked around and that seems to be a pretty common recommendation for diets that emphasize high protein, low carbs. I get 100 g because I'm training for a triathlon. Like your friend, I've found the high protein, low carb route has really helped my weight loss.

    However, most protein bars have more carbs than protein. They are higher protein than a candy bar or a granola bar, but they aren't really "high protein" in my book. They also taste pretty foul IMO. So I don't do them.

    For protein drinks, there are a lot of ways you can try them out without breaking the bank and ending up with lots of jugs of protein you can't stand to eat. First, try samples. Some companies sell them. Some give them a way. Chike and Syntrax Nectar have samples. There is also a site called that will sell a baggie of any protein powder they sell for around $2. They have tons of brands and flavors. Also, places like GNC will take back anything you buy from them even if opened if you keep the receipt. I think Vitamin Shoppe does too, but I'm not 100% sure.

    I personally use Chike, but a lot of people like Syntrax Nectar and a brand called Oh Yeah.

    For workouts, if you have Comcast cable, they have an Exercise channel in their On Demand feature. Free workout videos that constantly change!
  • FitnessGeek
    FitnessGeek Posts: 487
    For workouts, if you have Comcast cable, they have an Exercise channel in their On Demand feature. Free workout videos that constantly change!

    The Exercise channel has a website called and it has a selection of free workouts you can stream on your computer, just in case you don't have cable!
  • hadenough
    Try the South Beach Living High Protein Cereal Bars - they are SO good (140 calories, 10g of protein, 5g of fat).
  • AJCM
    AJCM Posts: 2,169 Member
    A protein shake can be a great breakfast on the run - and I find it helpful with weight loss. I usually do a scoop of protein (chocolate or vanilla flavour, and I like "Isopure" brand) shaken into a glass (8 oz) of ice cold milk (literally throw it in the fridge while you get ready in the morning). You can also whip some fruit in there, but I kept it simple and quick. This is only around 200 calories, so you will need a morning snack, but an apply and a few almonds is a favourite of mine, and easy to take to work.

    If you like PB, another good quick snack is a tablespoon of PB on a brown rice / buckwheat rice cake - 120 calories, and DELISH! Tastes like dessert to me, and keeps you satisfied! You can also dip a firm banana into chunky PB for a good snack.

    Good luck and keep at it!
  • tjones7
    tjones7 Posts: 306

    Thank you for all the advice. I learned a few things. I didn't know that Habitat for Humanity had a thrift store. And I walk already but i try to do 2 a days and switch up exercises so I like DVDs in the morning because its's cold here and too dark to walk alone. Or if I worked late and missed my gym sessions I try to do something when I get home. Thanks for all of the info I will start tryng to research some of the suggestions.

    I wanted the protein powder so I can make smoothies or shakes for breakfast and the bars for after workouts and between meal snacks. I use to grab a granola bar but they weren't filling so I tend to eat more than one and sometimes they don't have the best nutriontal value. I eat nuts BUT NO CHEESE FOR ME PLEASE.

    PB- I think it's out for lunch but maybe a great snack right? lol but do you guys have any great lunch ideas. I've recently decided to become an almost vegetarian lol I can't give up fish so I was looking for some great lunch ideas.

    i usually eat fish and a veggie, or salad or plain veggies, or turkey sandwich(THOSE WERE MY ONLY OPTIONS) or tuna which is still fish and my office gets mad at me because of the i was just trying to find new healthy lunch ideas.

    Have a great Sunday and Thanks
  • havingitall
    havingitall Posts: 3,728 Member
    Why not take a cooler in your car, you can get one that plugs into your cigarette lighter. This way you can take whatever you want for lunch and snacks
  • AJCM
    AJCM Posts: 2,169 Member
    PB vegatrian lunch...

    small whole wheat pita smeared with PB, lay a small banana inside, roll up like a burrito - DELISH!
  • arewethereyet
    arewethereyet Posts: 18,702 Member
    I am in my car all the time. I bring a small cooler with ice packs (pays for itself the 1st time you go right past Popeyes or McDonalds:laugh: )

    I pack:

    Iced Tea

    Carrots and celery
    1 oz Hummus

    LF Cheddar Cheese
    6 low salt triscuits
    (or hard boiled egg)

    Turkey or Chicken sandwhich with lettuce on Pepperdige Farms Litestyle Oatmeal bread
    with spicy mustard/

    LF Yogurt (dont forget yoru spoon!)

    I always have 600 or more cals left for dinner and snack at night
  • arewethereyet
    arewethereyet Posts: 18,702 Member
    Oh and there are healthier choices for PB out there. I get Smuckers Organic PB has no salt or sugar added. LOVE IT!
  • Dave198lbs
    Dave198lbs Posts: 8,810 Member

    back in my didnt give a jackcrap daze I was in Popeyes buying a spicy bucket and met a girl, she moved in for a month and we ate Popeye's almost everday...

    those were the daze:smile:
  • hmo4
    hmo4 Posts: 1,673 Member
    I buy my protein powder at Walmart-very cheap. Body Fortress is the brand and it's awesome mixed with soy milk and ice cubes. You can put it in smoothies, oatmeal in the am with PB and banana. Creatine is important too. Check into that. PVL makes cooler drinks with Whey, and the lime is soooo good too. That mixed with water, and ice is so good-80cals. Have the protein shakes with a simple carb 1 hour post workout is very important. Also Creatine 30 min before w/o and 30 min-1hr after.Fitness Mags are awesome. They give you workout ideas, info on supplementation, and other good info on nutrition. I have subscriptions to 3 types of fitness mags and get so excited when they come. Women's M&F is my new fave. Also Oxygen. Hope this helps you a bit.:drinker:

    Genisoy meal replacement bars are awesome too.
  • arewethereyet
    arewethereyet Posts: 18,702 Member

    back in my didnt give a jackcrap daze I was in Popeyes buying a spicy bucket and met a girl, she moved in for a month and we ate Popeye's almost everday...

    those were the daze:smile:

    :noway: Too funny. Thanks for the smile. Could that be a new country song??:wink:
  • tjones7
    tjones7 Posts: 306
    Morning everyone.

    Popeyes, Dave that's Um I pack my lunch everyday and usually put it in my lunch bag with 2 freezer pags but it doesn't keep my food cold.

    I never knew there was a cooler to plug into your car. wow I will look for that.

    Organc Peanut butter????? I'm going to find it. Because I jsut discovered I like it. When I was a child you couldn't pay me to eat it.

    Back in the day I like popeyes and the occassional Mcdonalds but I haven't eaten there in a while. Mcdonalds killed it for me when I logged a Chicken sandwich from there adn it was 600 calories.

    hotmom_ ? I thought creatine was for people who wanted to gain weight? and you said take it 30 w/o but are you saying w/o water?

    PB and banana sounds interesting I willl try it

    thanks guys
  • Kasey42588
    Hello MFP

    I hope everyone is meeting their goals. I was wondering if someone can give me some pointers on a few food and exercise things

    1st. i am getting bored with my lunches that I bring to work and I was trying to find different alternatives to foods that I didn't have to worry about keeping cold so much because I'm in my car a lot. anywho I have recently discovered that I like peanut butter. but I'm unsure how bad it is for my waistline. I was thinking a peanut butter sandwich on wheat bread with carrots. Possibly 1 slice of bread folded what do you guys think?

    2nd. I ran into an old friend who has lost a lot of weight, she told me that protein played a big role in her weight loss. So I have plans on buying protein powder and protein bars but can anyone give me a great brand because I have tried powder before in water and it was disgusting and protein bars taste like chalk. and where you purchase them. AND HOW MUCH PROTEIN DO I NEED A DAY?

    3rd. I have gotten bored with my workout and workout DVDs I ahve done Billy and Biggest Loser so much thatI'm bored. The fun is gone. They still work and I still struggle with them but I'm bored. So I was wondering if anyone had any suggestions on a full body workout DVD that kicks your butt but is fun and doesn't cost a whole lot of money.

    4th and FINAL THANK YOU FOR READING can anyone give me some free weight ideas to wrk by upper and lower back and legs

    thank you so much for reading and responding

    #1 - Peanut butter, I've found, is pretty filling, however, I use it very sparingly. For instance, for breakfast, I usually have a yogurt and a rice cake, with a little less than 1 tbsp of peanut butter, because it is high in calories. 2 tbsp is 190 calories alone! For lunch, I usually take a single serving of whole grain macaroni and cheese, or I'll make some boneless/skinless chicken with cooked vegetables.

    #2 - I've never had protein shakes, bars, powders, or anything of that sort, but I get my protein intake from my chicken, which I like a lot. Foods that are high in protein keep you full longer and that obviously means that you eat less. Protein supplements or powders (etc) have never really been my thing.

    #3- Workout DVD's bore me anyway, I don't know why. I would much rather go to the gym and exercise that way, but gym memberships can be extremely pricey. But I need to work my lower back and legs as well, and they have wonderful machines (back extension and these really great leg machines) that target those areas. If you cannot afford a membership or simply don't have time to go to the gym, think about some outdoor activities rather than being cooped up inside in front of the television doing boring video workouts. The days that I don't go to the gym, I walk a mile or two, and my boyfriend and I are planning on getting new bikes once the weather gets warmer so that we can ride trails. Remember that walking targets every single part of your body and is SO extremely healthy for you. It's an excellent form of cardio and I personally, enjoy it.
  • annhjk
    annhjk Posts: 794 Member
    Lunch ideas for me include: egg salad or quesadillas on whole wheat, low carb tortillas.

    I've been drinking protein shakes/bars lately too as part of the p90x program and I think they have really helped me drop lbs. We use Body Fortress from walmart too, or if you have costco/sam's club they have an EAS brand that is even cheaper (per serving). I like the pure protein bars they have too. They're actually chewy!

    on an 1800 cal. diet, I get 200+ grams of protein, 130 carbs, and I'm not sure on the fat.