Why can't I do this??

I just don't know how to change the bad eating habits that have gotten me this way.. I have tried everything as I'm sure many of you have as well. I feel that I have been educated to death, yet I am still unable to make the changes that I know I need to make. Heck, I even wasted almost $3000 into hypnosis hoping that it would "re-wire" my brain and my lifelong eating habits! I think this site is terrific and it couldnt get any easier than this to journal. So why can't I do it??? I have 3 very young children and am a very busy Mom but I know there are people out there in my shoes who can and have had success despite leading very busy lives. Reaching out to this community hoping maybe somebody can suggest something cause I just don't know what to do anymore. :cry: Thanks everyone. Kim


  • DorisR184
    DorisR184 Posts: 471 Member
    I started with small changes because whenever I tried a complete 180, I would give up and go back to my old ways. You may just be feeling alittle overwhelmed. I started with my eating habits, like eating smaller portions and since I was a complete soda junkie I cut down on my soda intake until I eliminated it completely. Once I was comfortable with that change, I slowly started working out. I started with power walking.

    Maybe you're feeling overwhelmed because you're doing too much at once, try small changes and see if that helps you stay on track :wink:
  • mester09
    mester09 Posts: 46 Member
    Maybe you're feeling overwhelmed because you're doing too much at once, try small changes and see if that helps you stay on track :wink:

    I couldn't agree more. You can't expect to make everything happen overnight either. I mean if you've never ran before you don't go a train for a marathon, you start small, with a 5k. It works the same way. Plus your body needs time to adapt to the new things you're doing. Just take a deep breath pick one small thing and change that and then gradually start changing more things. Hope this helps!
  • Slove009
    Slove009 Posts: 364 Member
    Have you looked into the groups in the community? I am part of a challenge a day. It gives you one thing to do for the day. Be it something simple like drink 8 cups of water or something like going an extra 10 minutes on your workout.

    I like it because it let's me focus on one day at a time. Maybe that's a better way to look at it. Perhaps try setting just daily or weekly goals to help ease you into things. It's NOT easy. At all. I joined in December of 2010 and kept gaining weight. It took me until November of last year to get to a point where I can make the choices I need to. Feel free to friend me! I'd be more than happy to help you out if you need some extra support or encouragement. It wasn't until I had the friends I have now on the boards that I was really motivated to follow their leads and do better.

    You can do this. Just step back, take a deep breath, and decide what is the easiest change you can make right now?
  • thank to all of you. excellent words of advice. guess i should regroup. try to focus on one thing at a time. i will check out those groups, thanks so much.
  • cmriverside
    cmriverside Posts: 34,321 Member
    Maybe you're feeling overwhelmed because you're doing too much at once, try small changes and see if that helps you stay on track

    This! We tend to be perfectionists. If we can't do it right, we give up.

    Start with just logging your food and drinking 8 glasses of water a day. That's it. Do that for a week.

    Then next week, maybe eliminate one food item for a week. Like fried food. Or pizza. Or whatever you tend to go to when you are stressed.

    Each week do something else.

    Move toward health slowly. You can't change your whole life overnight.
  • Maybe it's me, but I think I have the problem where I get down on myself because I expect BIG changes way too fast. When I don't immediately drop like twenty pounds in a week, I get frustrated -- even though logically I know that's not healthy or realistic. I feel like this time around I've got my head on straight though. Just keep making good choices, however small or slow you start off, and you'll see the pay off... just not right away. Don't get too overwhelmed -- it took time to put on the weight, and it'll take time to get it off, too. That's what I tell myself. Hope you're feeling better than when you posted this :)
  • Everything you guys are saying is true. I do know better, I know it takes time, but I do tend to get down on myself as I fail over and over and over again. Since I started using this great site, I haven't completed more than 1 or 2 days of journalling! I have started many, but struggle to finish. I've even made it my homepage. On especially busy days, when I can't seem to sit & journal as the day goes, I say to myself, I'll do it at the end of the day, when all my kids finally hit the sack. But by then, I am so exhausted, I can't stay awake longer than they can!

    So 1st change is... back on my iron pills.

    2nd.... (3rd, 4th, 5th) Weigh, measure, journal. Water. (See, here i go already, lmao)

    Appreciate all the feedback. I can't say enough how terrific I think this site is.
