How-dee! :)

Hey everyone!

I'm mymiracle1008 and I am already familiar with this great site and app. I have been doing another costly weight loss program, but had tried out this app months ago for a little while and loved it. I have a friend who has lost 60 pounds with this app/site....all that and the program/app is free. So, I've decided to start incorporating myfitnesspal into my daily life. Looking for friends who are really serious about their health. I have already lost 60 myself, and have been on a plateau for months. Believing this may make a difference.


  • Welcome! I am also at a bit of a plateau and feel your pain. Currently down 53lbs - have another 40 to go :/ but we can do this!! Good luck to you girl!
  • Stutz77
    Stutz77 Posts: 113
    Welcome to adding MFP to your daily life. Last year I lost 30lbs and gained about 15 back and then lost about 7 since using MFP, (I gained 3 back over the holidays) I am refoucsing and hoping to lose another 30lbs. Feel free to add me as a friend!