First time mommy and dieter. Need ideas!

My name is Patricia and I just had my first baby in October 2011, and I am new to Fitness Pal. I gained about 40 lbs with this baby, but I was pretty small to begin with. I have lost about 20-25 of that and am having trouble with the last 15 that I would like to try to lose.
I know I will never be my pre-baby weight, but I know I am not fit or in shape right now.

Now that I am able to get into full fledged working out again, I need some ideas of how to get rid of my baby fat belly. I do crunches and walk everyday. I am trying to ease back into jogging, but sometimes I do not have the time with the new baby.

I have never dieted before and could use all the input I can get!
Thank you!