What does it mean??

My calorie intake is supposed to be 2160 (site said so) The last few days (since I started) i haven't been able to eat more than 1425. I know i should be eating snacks and such but I'm just not hungry for them. What does it mean and do to your body when you eat under your reccomended calorie intake?


  • kjones3535
    Is your recommended calorie intake for maintenence or for weight loss? If it is for maintence then you will lose weight but if it is for weight loss you might be putting your body into starvation mode by being so far under your goal (for weight loss MFP gives you a calorie deficit already so if you are way under their recommendation then you are WAY under where you should be).

    With that said you know your body better than anyone, I wouldnt force myself to eat food when I am not hungry. There will be days when you are extra hungry so things will probably even out.
  • dksrj08
    dksrj08 Posts: 9 Member
    I think its for weight loss. That is what I wanted. In addition to the average 1500 calories intake (we'll just average up up to that) I'm walking 1 mile (at minimum) daily. I'm exercising 3 times a week burning at least 265 calories (wii fit. It took me 59 min today) I always get confused with calorie deficits. I've read about them but my head just doesn't wrap around it. So if I eat 1500 calories , but lets just say exercise and burn 600, does that mean my body is only using 900 of the 1500 calories I ate?