Does one day of bad eating affect the whole regime?

Hi all, I was just wondering if one day of overeating can overhaul your diet/mess up the metabolism etc. I felt really guilty today because I overate my calories, normally I'm exceptionally good at keeping it low but today I had my first personal training session which left me exhausted and above all FAMISHED - I normally exercise a lot, fairly intensely at least 6 times a week so I thought this was odd? And they say you can't outrain a bad diet so i don't want this new regime affecting my appetite too much :s

In all fairness I didnt eat much the whole day, then came the regime and I pigged out on dinner - I had a large skinless chicken breast but LOADS of starchy veg and brown rice, I feel so full and guilty now because I definitely overate and went over my BMR :s if I get back on the horse (so to speak) tomorrow, will this be ok? And I will be sure to learn how to control my appetite after a heavy workout! :D


  • wannabesexymama
    wannabesexymama Posts: 367 Member
    One thing you will learn is that if you over indulge one day a week its not going to kill you! Just make sure you work really hard the next day to burn off what you had the day before! Its not so bad as long as your not doing it every day I tend to do it at least once a week, I call it my cheat day where I tend to over eat but not by much I even tend to have me a glass of wine on those days! The next day I make sure to fit in a good exercise and drink plenty of water! :flowerforyou: Dont beat your self up over one day! Make sure you are doing well most of the time and resistance will come with time!!!
  • neanderthin
    neanderthin Posts: 10,018 Member
    Eating increases metabolism, so it basically can't really mess up your metabolism. Also to think 1 day in your life of eating more than this site say to really makes a difference on that level is a bit alarmist, hense your guilt. give yourself some leaway otherwise you'll end up a 95%er statistic.
  • Sofithomas
    Ah thank yo so much uys for all your advice/reassurance....I'm just getting so determined at reaching my goal I want little to no hindrance haha :D Luckily I am normally very healthy and active so slipping back into routine shouldnt be too hard!!
  • stayxtrue
    stayxtrue Posts: 1,190 Member
    No it wont... I constantly have bad eating days =]
  • deadstarsunburn
    deadstarsunburn Posts: 1,337 Member
    No it wont... I constantly have bad eating days =]

    Same here. Unfortunately I usually have 2-3 bad days a week. My depression gets the best of me on the weekend, I would recommend NOT having that man days a week.