Joining Planet Fitness tonight...

I am going to get in on the $1 to join, $10 a month deal they are running right now. I am a little nervous because I feel like a dweeb when I work out. I am heavy and sweat like a pig lol I feel like it will be full of fit people. I know it is dumb to think that way, but it still comes to mind. I am however joining with a girlfriend who is a good walking buddy. We will probably work out together 75% of the time. Anyone have advice for me, maybe to help calm my nerves?


  • jennifer2977
    I am going to get in on the $1 to join, $10 a month deal they are running right now. I am a little nervous because I feel like a dweeb when I work out. I am heavy and sweat like a pig lol I feel like it will be full of fit people. I know it is dumb to think that way, but it still comes to mind. I am however joining with a girlfriend who is a good walking buddy. We will probably work out together 75% of the time. Anyone have advice for me, maybe to help calm my nerves?

    I had a Planet Fitness membership before and joined with a friend, who never went with me so I stopped going! LOL But seriously, there are muscle heads there too (just like the commercial), but normal people and chunky people and obese people too. I have found this at every gym I've ever been to.

    However, don't feel bad! Most people at gyms are there for the same reason and are more than willing to help you if you need it!
  • jennifer2977
    I'm also going to join a different gym tonight. Of course, I'm nervous too.
  • madisonsteelex
    I never understood why people get nervous to join a gym. Just go, get on your machine and work out. Other people should have nothing to do with it. If you're that worried... Idk the same advice anyone is going to give you.. just worry about yourself
  • gwensmamma06
    It was totally not intimidating! I really liked it :)
  • jennifer2977
    It was totally not intimidating! I really liked it :)

    I went to join powerhouse and walked out! Lol went back to Planet Fitness and signed back up. I felt much more in place here. Good luck to you!
  • LorinaLynn
    LorinaLynn Posts: 13,247 Member
    That's one thing I love about PF... it's the same cross section of people you'd see at the mall or grocery store. There's a handful of athletes, and a handful of senior citizens, and a handful of gym bunnies, and a handful of people who are there to lose a few pounds... Totally not intimidating. :smile:
  • catherine4211
    catherine4211 Posts: 944 Member
    You'll be fine. I don't know what that gym is but I'm sure it's like every other one! Plenty of regular people. I wish my gym fees were $10.00. I pay 29.00 - plus what I pay for my trainer. I'm not even going to type how much that is.
  • jsmith0644
    jsmith0644 Posts: 66 Member
    I feel the same way when I work out, but you know what it may sound cliche, but the truth is I do it for me not them. Sweat means work. Some of those same people started from the same place you did.
  • Browny43
    Browny43 Posts: 124 Member
    I've been going to PF almost two and a half months now and you'll do just fine. You will see that most people are in the same situation as you are. Where I go most people are very supportive. I love going to the gym alone, its my "me" time. A wife and mother of two boys, work, college well it all keeps me busy. I hope you find your gym to be just as supportive.
  • mcdonl
    mcdonl Posts: 342 Member
    I am glad it worked out for you. They are usually nice gyms with good equipment. I am not fond of them because the whole judgment free thing does not apply to you if you happen to be one of those who oly lift big weight for competition... then you get judged but for the vast majority of people they are a great gym at an even better price.

    Oh yeah, and the time of day makes all the difference in the world... early in the morning and you will find it is pretty much all working folks going before work.
  • ccnjc4e
    ccnjc4e Posts: 142 Member
    I wish they had something like that here, $1 to join and $10 a month..I hate living in a small town:(
  • FearAnLoathing
    FearAnLoathing Posts: 4,852 Member
    There are lots of other people there to loose weight as well,and just as many sweaty people.
  • LynneGG
    LynneGG Posts: 95 Member
    The big thing is your going a gym...kudos to you! But do not join if you're 100% counting on someone else to be there too. You have to join for you and you only. Which means being focused on yourself and committing to go by yourself if need be. After I got over being intimidated by the whole idea( I too realized very quickly I do not stand out) I actually enjoying being by myself. I do what I want when I want and in the order I want.

    Good luck to you!
  • Nopedotjpeg
    Nopedotjpeg Posts: 1,806 Member
    I wish they would get rid of their whole "judgment free" crap. They were a good starting gym for me, but they'd be an amazing gym if they would get 1 power cage per gym and stop acting like tools to people who lift weights.
  • LovelyLibra79
    LovelyLibra79 Posts: 569 Member
    They have one in my town...i heard its all Cardio equipment..keep us posted!
  • andrea198721
    andrea198721 Posts: 173 Member
    Black workout clothes :) They can't see all the sweat quite as bad :)
  • maryloo2011
    I am heavy and sweat like a pig lol

    I am pretty fit and sweat like a P-I-G. I love sweating. I love seeing the drips on my arm, feel them inside my shirt come out of my skull.
    I feel like it will be full of fit people. I know it is dumb to think that way, but it still comes to mind. I am however joining with a girlfriend who is a good walking buddy. We will probably work out together 75% of the time. Anyone have advice for me, maybe to help calm my nerves?

    Everyone is self-conscious at the gym. Ev-reh-one. Embarrasing moments: I've farted/sweated/smelled, tripped, spilled water, and have had to re-start machines. Life goes on.

    Having a buddy is awesome, wish I had one. You will gain confidence, just give it time. GO YOU!! :D
  • skingcomputerguy
    skingcomputerguy Posts: 3 Member
    I joined about 3 months ago @Planet Fitness.. It's a nice gym where you can work out w/out being hassled by the staff. MFP is designed to work w/out exercise, but if you can add that, then you will lose that much faster. I've lost 20 lbs in 2 1/2 months.. It works if you use the app on a daily basis.. I use the iPhone app and the website.. Great tool.. Good luck!
  • chevy88grl
    chevy88grl Posts: 3,937 Member
    I wouldn't walk into a Planet Fitness after seeing their commercials. They're supposedly "judgement free" -- yet, I see them being pretty judgmental in their commercials. Not all people who are fit and in shape are big dumb oafs who say "I pick things up.. and I put them down". And it is ridiculous for them to claim to be judgement free and yet.. they are judging.

    I started at Snap Fitness because it was a very laid back, very diverse gym. After a year of being with them, I found I had basically used up all they had to offer and moved to a different gym that had more options. It recently merged with Powerhouse Gym and I'm waiting to see what happens once the merge is complete. If they change too much - I'll find a different gym.
  • jennifer2977
    I wouldn't walk into a Planet Fitness after seeing their commercials. They're supposedly "judgement free" -- yet, I see them being pretty judgmental in their commercials. Not all people who are fit and in shape are big dumb oafs who say "I pick things up.. and I put them down". And it is ridiculous for them to claim to be judgement free and yet.. they are judging.

    I started at Snap Fitness because it was a very laid back, very diverse gym. After a year of being with them, I found I had basically used up all they had to offer and moved to a different gym that had more options. It recently merged with Powerhouse Gym and I'm waiting to see what happens once the merge is complete. If they change too much - I'll find a different gym.

    I understand what you're saying completely, but I honestly have only heard the 'lunk alarm' once. It's not so much to stop bodybuilders or people lifting heavier weights, or even grunting...At the one I go to they do it when those types start dropping weights (but that's annoying at any gym!).

    On another note, I went to meet my friend at Powerhouse last night. I walked in and almost felt like I was walking into the Planet Fitness commercial! All these meatheads just stopped everything they were doing and looked me way. I felt really uncomfortable, being overweight and new (again) to working out. Not to mention the rudeness I encountered from their front desk person (another topic). Needless to say I went back to Planet Fitness. I just feel more comfortable there (plus my location is much larger than Powerhouse was). Good luck with the merger!