Getting depressed .... This sucks.......

I am getting depressed and this sucks. I lost my job last month and had hopes to have a new one very soon but things aren't moving as quickly as I had hoped unfortunately. I know I have only been out of work for less than a month but the thing that sucks is I don't get unemployment because my last employer screwed me over :( They fought my unemployment and I ended up having a balance owed of $4,000 so now I don't get unemployment until that is paid back.

This sucks and I am doing all I can to cut expenses where I can but I find myself falling in a bit of a depression and hope that I don't fall in an even bigger hole. I am applying for all the jobs that I can but I can only do so much. I know everything comes with time but it makes me anxious and I am scared to death of slipping into the old me again... and going back to that day 0 look which I said I would never do.

At the time that I decided to get my body in shape I had just lost the job that screwed me over on unemployment. I was at home and decided I was going to buy P90X and it really helped me physically and mentally. Now that I am at my goal weight and just want to get more cut and work on my glutes, I don't know what to do. I know I am not the only one out there looking for a job or facing a hard time but I just don't know what to do with myself :( I am stressed to the max and keep thinking about the cupcakes sitting around and things like that. I never thought I'd have this happen (the temptations and the depression again because I suffered from it in the past) but it is :(

I am a very positive person and just need to keep my eye on the prize. This is just a hiccup and it's something that happens and could happen to anyone. I am doing my best to stay positive and keep busy. I haven't missed a workout and I have been eating right the whole time.

My question is, besides the obvious of looking for jobs, networking, etc. what should I do in my spare time to keep my mind off of the stress? I just don't know? Anyone in this situation that could offer advice?

Thanks friends :)


  • Hey girl, sorry you are felling so down and it will get better. Hopefully soon. You are an awesome person, very well educated and will be a great asset to any company. They will be lucky to have you. I know it takes time and eventually you will find the perfect job that is long term and you will be appreciated. So until then to occupy yourself have you thought about volunteering? I think you would really like it and you are such a sweet heart to be around you could really make someones day.
  • My company had a layoff about a year ago. I was devestated. It was my first really great job. The first job that took a chance on me and gave me a huge oppertunity.. Then there was a massive layoff. 150 people lost their jobs.. I gained 18 pounds in the last year and a month ago decided to do something about it.. My best advise is to surround yourself with loved ones. Whether it is family or friends. They tend to get us through the tough times. I know how depressing it is.. I looked for a long time for a job that would pay me the amount I was making before it was just pretty much non existant in this area. You seem to be a very physical person. Maybe the best way for you to combat the stress and depression is to take it out in your work outs. Old habits die hard and I bet it is really hard for you not to revert to your old habits. Just look at the progress you have made and don't lose yourself in this process of trying to find a new job.
  • fitnoflab
    fitnoflab Posts: 90 Member
    Hang in there and find ways to feel useful. I lost a job sometime ago and I started feeling really down because I was not busy and felt unproductive. So I began volunteering while I was looking for a job. I volunteered at a women's shelter. It gave me a sense of normalcy cause I had somewhere I had to be a few days a week and a general sense of well being from being useful and interacting with the staff and the ladies. Most days we had to sort clothes that were donated for the ladies( to go to job interviews) , other days there was not much to do except light paper work. And on the weekend, on Sat. mornings, I volunteered at a pet adoption table in front of a pet food store for Angel's Wish Animal Rescue. Between the two I no longer felt down about not working because i was still using my time productively. So maybe think of how you could lend your services. You are a fitness expert and although you are going to get a job soon (we're all rooting for you) maybe you can volunteer at a rec center or something and teach a class. Just an idea. But I hope you feel better and find a job soon.
  • alofay
    alofay Posts: 127 Member
    I really felt like I was reading my own biography...

    I'm so sorry to hear about all your troubles and if it helps, I too have to pay back unemployment from a few years ago. Something I didn't even know existed!! $50 bucks a month is what I've been doing for 2.5 solid years now and I'm not even half way thru paying. When all of that went down I was so disgustingly depressed and I hit over 300lbs.

    I don't know what line of work you are in but, I could offer you a job if you are even remotely close to the Findlay, OH area?

    Losing my job turned out to be the best thing that ever happened to me.

    Embrace this time, this time is for you to focus on yourself... If working is something you Need, start volunteering at various places, places you could see making a career out of. Get your smile and bubbly personality out to the public. Yes, networking online is amazing but, you can't beat putting your face time out there.

    Good Luck with everything. I know it doesn't seem like it now but, everything happens for a reason.
  • rachelmarie1
    rachelmarie1 Posts: 201 Member
    (((hugs))) everything will work out just wait and see. You are super smart and a hard worker. You will find something.. or who knows something great might find you. more ((((hugs))):flowerforyou:
  • RogerF765
    RogerF765 Posts: 113
    I understand how you feel. I was told by the unemloyment office that I could go back on since the job I had was out of my area when I got laid off and after months of getting unemployment I was told I would have to pay back over $7K. I find that when I'm feeling depressed a nice workout or long walk works wonders. In my case living 3 miles from the beach has huge benefits for me there is nothing more calming than a walk on the beach but any workout does the trick for me. Good luck with everything.
  • When I was depressed and out of work and also heavier than I had ever been my mom introduced me to the world of coaching. Have you considered contacting a life coach? They will often give a sample session for free which can sometimes be the direction and motivation needed to get you out of a shlump. I Know a few if you'd like their names. :)
    AMYinKANSAS Posts: 16 Member
    hey girl, keep that chin up! when you start to get down, think about how your life could be worse and just pray!!! Good luck to you and remember life seems very tough at this point in your life but it could always be worse!!! :+)
  • WonderKP
    WonderKP Posts: 146 Member
    I understand how you feel! I've been out of a job since November! I've noticed that to keep the depression away at bay, I exercise! It makes me feel better about the day and since you have free time, you might as well make some extra effort working out! I've started reading again, and that also just makes me feel better and more productive.
  • cressievargo
    cressievargo Posts: 392 Member
    :( I've been out of work for almost 3 years. 99 weeks of unemployment...blah!

    I agree with volunteering - not only will you feel good about being productive, it is a great way to network. Meeting new people might get you a job you couldn't even imagine right now. You might also learn new skills / experiences / references to add to your resume.

    If you want to work out - check your local library - many of them have fitness DVDs.

    When you think you want that cupcake, go for a walk.
  • fireflyangel22
    fireflyangel22 Posts: 85 Member
    Volunteering is a great idea. Might even lead to a job that you hadn't known about, or isn't posted to the public.

    Another thing you could do is a major cleaning/purging of your house. Look for items that you don't use and try to sell them through craigslist, amazon, ebay, or a thrift shop. Cleaning will keep you busy and purging could make you a little bit of money.

    Also think back to all those little jobs you might have done in high school. Mowing lawns, shoveling snow, babysitting. Not ideal employment, but it would be a little pocket change and something to keep you busy.

    Good luck and keep a positive attitude. You can make it though this, and will be stronger as a result!
  • prism6
    prism6 Posts: 484 Member
    there are alot of hiking groups and different activities on meet up. Just get out of the house as much as you can and volunteering while looking for work will keep your mind from dwelling. good luck!
  • Scorpioangel
    Scorpioangel Posts: 951 Member
    Thank you everyone for the awesome feedback and support I really, really appreciate it! It is so nice knowing that someone out there understands and can relate because sometimes I feel like I have no support and it sucks. Reading all of your messages really lifted my spirits and I greatly appreciate it! You are all the best!
  • kit_katty
    kit_katty Posts: 992 Member
    Wow, really sorry about what's happened.

    I know when I went through some emotional times (still am), and very stressed out, I found that taking control of my weight and eating was the one thing that actually helped. It was something that made me feel good, I made progress so it lifted my spirits. Just having one thing that's under your control, well, it helped me. Maybe it can help you.

    Good luck!
  • If you're thinking about cupcakes and you turn to food when you're stressed, maybe look into the hungry girl recipes - which are all low calorie meals you can prepare, eat your favorites while keeping calorie count low and satisfying your cravings. Not only will it give you what you want without destroying your goals, but it'll keep you occupied making the food, too!