Patricia's Food ideas - Post 1


I have seen many requests from people asking for "New ideas" and "Healthy but not boring" foods and have decided to post the things I have been cooking for years.

Before I got pregnant last year, I was a consistent 120 lbs. I am 5'7", so I was pretty slim. I have always been able to maintain healthy weight by eating pretty well and moderately exercising. I am here now to lose my baby weight and get trim again. I am telling you this so you know I am not blowing smoke. These foods worked for me and they will again!

Here is 1 day's worth of eating healthy:


1 very large bowl of Honey Bunches of Oats with 1/2 cup skim milk has a $1 off coupon for the cereal at Wamart
1 piece of whole grain or wheat toast with fat free peanut butter
A glass of orange juice

Snack (cuz I'm always hungry an hour after breakfast)

Granny smith apple with peanut butter
1Slim fast - (Or Kroger brand. They are cheaper and you get 6 instead of just 4)
I know Slim Fast is supposed to take the place of a snack, but lets face it, drinking one of those is NOT going to get me until lunch. But it does supplement something healthy, while providing a lot of nutrients and vitamins and tops off my snack.


Tuna fish sandwich (fat free miracle whip/mayo with chopped celery if desired) with small handful of potato chips
Carrot sticks
1 zero calorie soda or choice beverage - I did an experiment. I stopped drinking soda COMPLETELY for 2 weeks and lost the belly pouch that no amount of sit ups could get rid of. Carbonation and the ingredients in their drinks contribute big time to belly fat. Beer as well. If you can reduce the amount of carbonated beverages you drink, or replace them with healthy drinks, it will help!

Snack 2

Handful of wheat Thins
Applesauce cup


Chicken thigh with seasonings
Red potatoes - mashed with skins, low fat margarine, skim milk, tiny bit of dillweed, salt/pepper to taste
Steamed broccoli with 1 slice sandwich cheese melted
Kroger multigrain bread roll - it is about 3 feet long in the bakery section. You have to bake for about 10 minutes.

I have found, that if you steam your veggies so they are hot, but still crunchy, they keep most of their nutritional value. The mushier your veggies, the less healthy they are. If you eat veggies at least twice a day, it will keep your system regular and cleans out any built up waste in your body that can account for a couple pounds you didn't even know you had just sitting there. Fruits are in the same boat. They also give you vitamins to keep your body healthy, which help get rid of the unhealthy stuff lingering in the body.

Tomorrow will bring another day of ideas!
Feedback welcome.
