I ate a candy bar and I liked it.



  • Grokette
    Grokette Posts: 3,330 Member
    Yes, I admit it.

    I went to the store, to get stuff to make ceviche. And there it was. Calling my name. The Herseys Cookies and Cream bar.

    I didn't buy it.

    Then I got in my car and realized I forgot the main ingredient in the SHRIMP ceviche... the shrimp.

    This time, I got the candy bar. I haven't eaten one in about a year and half.

    And so I ate it.

    It was good.

    Moral of the story:
    Am I dead? No.
    Do I feel guilty? No.
    Did that ruin my day? No.
    Did I log it? Yes.
    Did I think about all the processed junk in it and worry about it? No.
    Is that going to make me fail the rest of the day/week/year? No.
    Did it keep me sane? Yes.
    Did I actually end up eating all of it? Nope, it was to rich.
    Did I enjoy it? HECK YES.

    So, that one candy bar, isn't going to kill you. I appreciated the candy bar now and didn't just scarf it down. I enjoyed the candy bar and didn't feel guilty about it.

    What you stated is true for YOU. Many others are not so fortunate. You people don't need to keep shoving the whole "everything in moderation" mindset down everyone's throat.

    It works for YOU! GREAT, good for you.

    Please don't encourage those that are in the throws of food addiction down this path because it is not the same for them.

    Moderation doesn't work or isn't healthy for EVERYONE. You are bio-individually different from me and every other single person on the face of this earth.
  • Grokette
    Grokette Posts: 3,330 Member
    Yes, I admit it.

    I went to the store, to get stuff to make ceviche. And there it was. Calling my name. The Herseys Cookies and Cream bar.

    I didn't buy it.

    Then I got in my car and realized I forgot the main ingredient in the SHRIMP ceviche... the shrimp.

    This time, I got the candy bar. I haven't eaten one in about a year and half.

    And so I ate it.

    It was good.

    Moral of the story:
    Am I dead? No.
    Do I feel guilty? No.
    Did that ruin my day? No.
    Did I log it? Yes.
    Did I think about all the processed junk in it and worry about it? No.
    Is that going to make me fail the rest of the day/week/year? No.
    Did it keep me sane? Yes.
    Did I actually end up eating all of it? Nope, it was to rich.
    Did I enjoy it? HECK YES.

    So, that one candy bar, isn't going to kill you. I appreciated the candy bar now and didn't just scarf it down. I enjoyed the candy bar and didn't feel guilty about it.

    It seems that everyone wants to support this undisciplined behavior but I don't. Its a slippery slope folks... you'll soon end up on the dark side.

    Amen, if you are not being crude or condescending as many of these other posts are.

    I can't believe the amount of people that make their crass jokes in regards to others not being able to have everything in moderation due to food addictions, allergies and intolerances.

    It is very insensitive and down right rude.
  • fteale
    fteale Posts: 5,310 Member
    Good. My sister has just come back from NY and brought the children Reeces and Hershey cookies and cream pieces. I can't have peanuts, but I did have a couple of the hersheys and they are quite good, in an insanely sweet way.

    I factor in for some chocolate (usually hotel chocolate or home made) most days. I only eat dark chocolate (70% cacao) and I don't think one or two after a day of eating properly is an issue.
  • cjpg
    cjpg Posts: 433 Member
    What you stated is true for YOU. Many others are not so fortunate. You people don't need to keep shoving the whole "everything in moderation" mindset down everyone's throat.

    It works for YOU! GREAT, good for you.

    Please don't encourage those that are in the throws of food addiction down this path because it is not the same for them.

    Moderation doesn't work or isn't healthy for EVERYONE. You are bio-individually different from me and every other single person on the face of this earth.

    Sorry, but you're mistaken. Moderation works and is very healthy for everyone. What you're referring to is an individuals ability to adhere to it that may not necessarily work. Explanations, reasons or even excuses aside this is an undeniable fact.
  • fatheroftwins
    fatheroftwins Posts: 2 Member
    Awesome post.