i want a tattoo..



  • grrrlface
    grrrlface Posts: 1,204 Member
    I know a few girls with script on the side of the hand, all of them hairdressers and they don't look boyish to me after seeing them.

    It does fade very quickly though as the ink has a hard time staying in the skin on hands. I've heard celebs with hand tattoos often colour them in with sharpies before being seen on TV, this made me giggle a bit. Not sure if the Sharpie thing is strictly true though! Lol :-)
  • Deipneus
    Deipneus Posts: 1,862 Member
    Good advice. I don't have any tattoos at all but recently found out that our company - a large national media corporation - has a policy against hiring anyone with a visible tattoo. Since I learned of it I've found that it's not uncommon.
  • AmyG1982
    AmyG1982 Posts: 1,040 Member
    If you're not sure about it don't do it! especially on a place as visable as your hand. i have one around my wrist that I do really love but sometimes, especially in job interviews, think it was maybe not the best placement... the other 5 that i can hide more easily were probably better choices lol
  • sailorsiren13
    I would but maybe not on the hand but maybe on the inside of the wrist instead. my friends and i have our kids names or initials all over..true story i have my husband's name covered by an anklet but i have over 10 tattoos some i regret some i still adore but they tell a story of where i have been and how far i have come. I have been getting them since i was 19 do your home work and make sure it isn't going to be in a place that's going to screw up your chance for a job or boyfriend or anything. When i am fully dressed you would never know to look at me that i have all my ink that i have but i own every bit of it!
  • jascfm2000
    Sounds good. One question, why the hand? Please becareful and use caution when getting tat's that you cant cover up easily. Alot of "professtional" careers do not allow ink work and it could hurt your chances of being hired. YES, i know, they wont tell you that up front because they cant.
    My experience, I worked at a school, (instructor for truck driving school), in the summers I could not wear shorts because I have tattoos on my legs. It was their policy that the workers could not show tat's.

    Like I said, sound good. Please post pic when done :)
  • lexiwho
    lexiwho Posts: 178 Member
    May I ask how old you are? You look quite young from your profile photo. Unless you're well off or currently working a stable job in an industry where they don't care about tattoos, you should think really heavily before getting anything below the wrists.

    I wanted a tattoo in the exact same position when I was around 19, but the artist I went to refused to tattoo below the wrist on anyone under 35. I ended up going with a different idea, and I'm so thankful to this day that I didn't get that tattoo. I haven't quite ended up where I want to be yet, and I've had to get jobs where I have to hide my tattoos.

    Don't think I'm one of those "*shakes finger* No one can get a job with tattoos!" type of people. I've got a near full sleeve on my right arm and various other tattoos scattered around. I'm just being realistic and making sure you really think this through. A hand tattoo is next to impossible to conceal. There are plenty of other areas on your body to get tattooed that are still highly visible and possible to hide.

    Times are a lot different than they used to be, but you will still run into prejudice against people with tattoos. I work in a job where no one but co-workers see me yet I've still got to cover my artwork. It's not ideal but right now it pays the bills until I get to where I want to be. I'm happy I have the option to still have my art while putting money in the bank.

    Also, don't be the type of person I was when I told the tattoo artist, "I don't care! I'll never have a job where they can't accept me for who I am." When you're staring at an empty life-saving medicine bottle/pantry/gas tank/wallet, it's a whole different story. You don't want a decision you made when you were younger to prevent you from providing for yourself/family in the future.

    Anyways, that's the end of my novel. If you do decide to go through with it, there's absolutely nothing "boyish" about the location you named.
  • ironanimal
    ironanimal Posts: 5,922 Member
    You want a tattoo of a small japanese hatchback? :D
  • recriger
    recriger Posts: 245 Member
    I'm a big fan of tattoo's. Unfortunately perception is 90% of reality. All 8 of mine are covered if I'm wearing shorts and a t-shirt, I got them for me after all. I've seen too many people who couldn't get the jobs they wanted because the person doing the hiring didn't like seeing the ink. Many people still look at tattoo's as trashy and sociopathic (my parents for 2!!). Yes it's your body, but whether we like it or not people will still make judgements until humanity is no longer. We can't change human nature, we have to weigh the consequences of our actions. I'm still saving up for #9. My daughters birth foot print surounded with a 17th century Naval compas, right between the shoulder blades!!
  • D446
    D446 Posts: 266 Member
    Sound OK to me so long as you are not getting your boyfriend's name done.

  • AllanMisner
    AllanMisner Posts: 4,140 Member
    What field do you anticipate working? If it is a professional field, you may want to rethink the location. Visible tattoos can be off-putting in some office environments. Otherwise, it is your body and your life.
  • cramernh
    cramernh Posts: 3,335 Member
    I believe that so long as you realize that a tattoo is permanent (unless you have the costly figures to afford the cost of removing them), make sure you choose the tattoo is right for you....

    When I hit my 200# mark which really isnt that far... I plan on having a tiger-lily designed and having my grandfather's name below it - this was the first flower he ever gave me.
  • SnookiBaby92
    You should get whatever you want. One word of warning though....tattoo's are very addictive. Once you get one you will want another one. Go for it!!!!


    oooh i know yeaaa! this will be my 4th tattoo since feb 2011!! hahaha.! i love getting tattooed!

    Know how you feel, i got 4 tattoo's in the space off a month! Would have more, but lacks of funds due to new flat - oh the sacrifices haha! :laugh:
  • TimWilkinson101
    TimWilkinson101 Posts: 163 Member
    I'd not get it done personally, but that is just me. I think its location is too prominent and something you might regret in later years or find causes you problems in the job market.

    Considering its on your right hand and is "Colt" you could also get people thinking you're some sort of gun nut as they wouldnt know its your younger brother's name.

    As I say, thats just me. I'm not too into tattoos, so bear that in mind and as people have said, its up to you.