Need to lose some serious weight but could use some support!

I am a 30 year old woman who has had two children (11 and 4) and have spent the last 11 years since my first pregnancy being overweight. I want to lose a total of 80 pounds but more would be even better. I have the biggest problem with starting a diet and quitting after a week or two because I don't see results. I know I did not gain the weight overnight, yet I get really discouraged when I don't lose weight right away. A few years ago I went on the Weight Watchers program and lost 25-30 pounds. I really liked the program but life got in the way and I stopped. I have been searching around this site and have downloaded the app on my phone and have noticed a huge similarity to Weight Watchers (minus the points systems) and have decided since it is free I might as well try it out since I had success before. I could use any support or encouragement throughout this journey and would be willing to return the favor. Add me as a friend if you have the same goals.
