30DS versus free weights

Hello! I was wondering what others opinions were regarding free weights versus 30D shred for someone who already does quite a bit of strength training? I am currently doing strength training / free weights 2-3 times per week (45-60 min). I have recently started to increase the amount of weight I use after reading some excellent threads on weight training for women - but have yet to notice much yet in terms of results (no loss in inches, although I have been losing about 3/4lb per week - but I'm also counting my calories!). From what I've seen of the success stories, a lot of people have great results with the 30DS - and I'd really love to lose some inches (especially off my hips - I know, I know, you can't spot reduce:0).

Should I just keep trundling on with my free weights, or switch to the 30DS, or do both? Any one in a similar boat? Thanks!