Bob Harper's DVD's

Last year I trained for several races and felt like I was in decent shape. After hurting my back, I decided my body needed a change in workout routine. I got 2 DVD's for Christmas - both Bob Harper "Inside Out Method" - "Body Rev Cardio Conditioning" and "Pure Burn- Super Strength". They are AWESOME!!! As much as I enjoy being outside in the fresh air (that is now really cold), these DVD's are way better than any running I did last year. If you are looking to change things up I HIGHLY recommend these. I was a fan of Jillian Michael's "No Trouble Zones" (I think that is what it is called) - but these DVD's rock that work out. Just wanted to give a suggestion if anyone is looking for something different and can't get to a gym. Good luck to all of us with this journey to better health. I have a ways to go, but it has been a great ride so far. I am kind of stuck, so that is another reason I wanted to change things up. I think it is working.
